For about the last three weeks now I have had a red soreness, and open sores on my penis just underneath the head. I noticed it after a night of, umm... intense intercourse. It began as a single open sore, but I chalked it up to friction due to rough over the clothes stuff during foreplay, and i ignored it... I've had friction burns before. But this one, after about 4 days spread into a rather large open sore. it was not sore so much as itchy. the skin around it was red, and the sore looked like a layer of skin was just rubbed/disolved off, leaving a raw open area. I tried to keep it as clean as I could, and was cleaning at least two times a day, and allowing my penis to air dry. I should mention that I'm uncircumsized. Anyway, after about a week it looked like it was healing. It just about fully healed, and came back again. Only this time it came back slightly larger, and was several open sores. I got a little worried, and started doing research on STD's, considering that this girl is a relatively new girlfriend, and I don't really tox screen all my girlfriends. Many symptoms that I have are similar, or the same to herpes, but others are not. The sores I have look different than any I have seen in pics on the net. There are no blisters with fluid, But it does itch, and it is a recurring open sore. I can't find any other info on the net about what it COULD be. This is just about the end of the third week. It looked like it was healing about 4 days ago, and for a day it looked like it had fully healed save for a small bit of redness... Then overnight it flared up huge again. This time it is painfull, and burns for a few seconds when I put orajel mouth sore medication on it (I know, a pitiful attempt at self medication). I'm worried to beat hell here, but neither trust my local doctor, nor have I been able to get the nerve to see a different local doctor. Does this sound like herpes to any of you? Basically, if this is just a rash that is being stubborn, then I am not as worried, but if it sounds like herpes, then I should see a doctor, right? Basically I just need to know if this sounds like herpes to anyone on here.
Oh, I should mention that when the skin is wet it looks pretty much just red, like a rash. It's hard to see the sores. But when it's dry is when you see the real contrast between the sores, and the redness of the surrounding skin.
For about the last three weeks now I have had a red soreness, and open sores on my penis just underneath the head. I noticed it after a night of, umm... intense intercourse. It began as a single open sore, but I chalked it up to friction due to rough over the clothes stuff during foreplay, and i ignored it... I've had friction burns before. But this one, after about 4 days spread into a rather large open sore. it was not sore so much as itchy. the skin around it was red, and the sore looked like a layer of skin was just rubbed/disolved off, leaving a raw open area. I tried to keep it as clean as I could, and was cleaning at least two times a day, and allowing my penis to air dry. I should mention that I'm uncircumsized. Anyway, after about a week it looked like it was healing. It just about fully healed, and came back again. Only this time it came back slightly larger, and was several open sores. I got a little worried, and started doing research on STD's, considering that this girl is a relatively new girlfriend, and I don't really tox screen all my girlfriends. Many symptoms that I have are similar, or the same to herpes, but others are not. The sores I have look different than any I have seen in pics on the net. There are no blisters with fluid, But it does itch, and it is a recurring open sore. I can't find any other info on the net about what it COULD be. This is just about the end of the third week. It looked like it was healing about 4 days ago, and for a day it looked like it had fully healed save for a small bit of redness... Then overnight it flared up huge again. This time it is painfull, and burns for a few seconds when I put orajel mouth sore medication on it (I know, a pitiful attempt at self medication). I'm worried to beat hell here, but neither trust my local doctor, nor have I been able to get the nerve to see a different local doctor. Does this sound like herpes to any of you? Basically, if this is just a rash that is being stubborn, then I am not as worried, but if it sounds like herpes, then I should see a doctor, right? Basically I just need to know if this sounds like herpes to anyone on here.