North Coast Man
Okay... I get canker sores too. In fact, it's like clockwork for me because I get them every August and sure enough I have one forming on the side of my tongue right now. It's not big at all but annoying. I think its a stress reaction to the summer heat as I don't really enjoy the blistering hot weather. Trust me, I love the beach and sunny days but only if they are around high 70s to low 80s and NO humidity. Can't stand it!!....
Before, I would relieve the pain with canker sore meds, take aspirin all day, and also rub the aspirin tablet right on the sores to relieve the pain. I stopped using aspirin and the other med stuff a while back and using product called PAIN RELIEF by NatraBio (its in a red box). It looks like an aspirin only you chew on it and I rub it on the sore. It is not sour tasting at all like aspirin, has a hint of sweet taste, so its fine to chew and then swallow.
Now about 20 years ago, I got really sick. In fact, it was in August and the doctor gave me some medication to take for the infection or whatever I had. The side effect that occurred was little tiny canker sores on the roof of my mouth. The whole roof was full of them! Went back to the doctor and he told me that I had a yeast infection and the canker sores were the result. So, I would have to say that it might be something in your diet that you would need to change to get your Ph balance in sync. I would definitely begin by taking some good probiotics to relieve the stomach achiness. Also try to stay away from sugars, white flour and drink some apple cider vinegar with water. (two tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar, 8 - 12oz filtered water, stevia for sweetness) See if that helps.
I feel your pain! I had five canker sores in my mouth, big ones!, while on vacation and it was pure effing hell for that week. Also, I don't use toothpaste with sodium lauryl sulfate in it as this can also produce canker sores. Hey!... (lightbulb just went off!!)...duh! I accidentally bought some natural toothpaste and didnt read the ingredients until after I tried it and sure enough got the sore!!....the toothpaste has the sodium lauryl sulphate....I'm returning it.
See ya!
North Coast Man