If ROME, SODOM, and GOMMORAH KEPT LAWS on the BOOKS TO BAN and PUNISH HOMOSEXUALITY, perhaps they would not have led into the seduction and sexually molesting of young underage boys at the bath houses, further moral decay into sex with animals (because of a lack of something to BASE their moral and legal foundations upon, a SOLID ROCK), and final IMPLOSION, DESTRUCTION, and cultural decay, moral ineptitude, and so on. I made some of the same mistakes... like you I was friendly and tolerant of the homosexuals I had just happen chance run into in New Zealand, for example, but at the time wasn't cognitively aware of what it does to RUIN a nation, and destroy the lives of young underage boys who these predators often prey upon. After all George Bush SENIOR was involved in a COVER UP of the sexual abuse and trafficking of many young boys in Nevada, as one of our illustrious and well decorated war heroes and Senators can testify (and DID) too: (THIS IS WHY WE NEED LAWS TO BAN ALL HOMOSEXAULITY!!!) (remember, there are many good Christian ministries to help those homosexual men to come out of this dangerous lifestyle which often leads to preying upon young underage men):
This was the biggest scandal in the history of the U.S.A history. The story received some newspaper coverage but there was a TV News Media blackout on the subject. For this reason, most Americans have never heard of it.
Former republican Senator John Decamp was involved in the production a documentary called "Conspiracy of Silence" it was to air May 3, 1994 on the Discovery Channel. This documentary exposed a network of religious leaders and Washington politicians who flew children to Washington D.C. for sex orgies. At the last minute before airing, unknown congressmen threatened the TV Cable industry with restrictive legislation if this documentary was aired.
Almost immediately, the rights to the documentary were purchased by unknown persons who had ordered all copies destroyed. A copy of this videotape was furnished anonymously to former Nebraska state senator and attorney John De Camp who made it available to retired F.B.I. chief, Ted L. Gunderson. While the video quality is not top grade, this tape is a blockbuster in what is revealed by the participants involved. You can purchase a VHS copy at this link. Or you can view an online copy at this page. Franklin Cover up video page
Boy prostitutes 15 years old (and younger) were taking midnight tours of the Whitehouse. There are 19 more Washington Times articles in full text about this case available here at this link.
Newspaper scans or text are not for commercial use. Solely to be used for the educational purposes of research and open discussion.
The Washington Times, Pg. A3 July 26, 1989 Headline: Secret Service furloughs third White House guard
GO HERE for more info to show WHY HOMOSEXUALITY SHOULD BE OUTLAWED IN THE U.S.A. to protect our young boys... WE ALL KNOW that BUSH DOESn't give a HOOT about protecting our young patriot men and women anyway... and this is solid proof of his "heritage"
http://www.thelawparty.com/FranklinCoverup/franklin.htm which is what America's HERITAGE is now becoming:
The Child Prostitution Ring that Reached Bush Whitehouse