Did you get away with the chocolate cookies??!! I had strong cravings for rye bread and thick greek yoghurt recently, and also had some chocolate! It started around the time of using the chi machine, maybe the detox brought on the cravings or maybe it was the full moon....working out what is going on is very confusing! I felt I could cope with the bread etc when I started to feel better with the cold but feels like the cold won't go away now so it probably didn't help!
For the juice, perhaps just have 1/4 of a pint once or twice a day and you could also dilute it so it won't affect your adrenals as much, or eat something 1/2 later, that might help too :)
I still haven't decided about the chi machine....I wish I knew for sure what triggered the cold, or perhaps it's another sort of virus...if it was that I would buy one, though maybe it was just the change in the weather, or the
juicing I'd been doing. Also I had taken Bupleurum plus but not that many but maybe it had been working on my liver.
Yes it did sound slightly ominous when Shelley said if something happens to curezone! I'm sure there's been loads of complaints about it from the orthodox medical establishment! On the other hand maybe it was just a way of getting us interested in the yahoo group. I joined it ages ago but haven't really been involved in it.
Great you're getting your homework done! I need to get down to loads today though this cold or virus is still affecting me a bit. Those tapes sound really nice and relaxing, I'll definitely consider getting some :)
Have a good day!