I would definitely agree with you, well I would not call them black though but dark brown : " black stools indicate they are full of toxins. This totally jives with my experience because they turn black after I have been taking supps to pull out toxins." But then, in my case, often enough, the entire stool will not be dark but only part of it and, with ropes and a smell that, for me, speaks for toxins.
Glad to hear you are eating fruits, it is such a healtier diet. I really like your approach. I tend to eat the cleansing salad every day. I (what 's the word for that in ENglish, when your mouth produces saliva???) well, I get saliva just now, simply talking about it, my entire body craves it and the taste feels sweet due to the lemon juice.
I have suffered these past few days from not "pulling back the detox" as you said. Lymph issues came back badly and even floaters (can you imagine what a step backward, I had the feeling that floaters are closely related to kidneys health). Anyhow, you make perfect sense. I am happy to get my verdict confirmed!
Thanks for the input