Very interesting treatment. I googled it and found good info. Definitely something I want to try sometime. I did however find the warning below, which I have cut & pasted.
"Although treatments often amount to little more than sitting in a very hot tub, do-it-yourself hyperthermia is not recommended due to the extremely high temperatures required."
Just in case someone was ready to jump in a hot tub on high for a couple hours;-O
Good luck to all of you and I'll just say that the weight loss topic comes up here frequently. Having done 3 MC's I can say the first 5-10 lbs is probably water weight & bowel matter. So as soon as you go back to your old eating habits, it'll come back. I've had no problem with metabolism after the MC, BUT if you continue to eat incorrectly and not exercise you will continue to be overweight. This really should be about a starting point for healing your body, so I hope all of you are writing down your post
Master-Cleanse exercise and nutrition plan. Take if from someone with experience: if you don't have a plan you will go back to your old habits.Enough of the lecture. Have a great weekend everyone!!!