First, do you have a history of ulcer? If you suspect ulcer don't fool around. Talk to your health pro.
It certainly does sound as though you have every reason to be carrying a big toxic load! Barring a serious problem like ulcer, don't stop your fast--never break on a low! Fast through, drink LOTS of extra water and lemonade (sounds like you do that).
You need to keep your colon very clean, every day you fast. If the salt water flush and tea are still leaving you feeling congested, do a plain water enema. This will help clear your intestines so the tea and swf can work efficiently. It is critical for you to clear your intestines! I have had a plain
water enema stop a nasty detox crisis in its tracks on many occasions while fasting.
I would highly recommend you look into a series of professional
colonics (usually 3) to help get your intestines clear of debris. I like to do a
colonic every ten days of a long fast (I did 60 days last summer, colon cleansing my major goal). If you are in good health (that blood concerns me), I believe the MC, hopefully supplemented with professional colonics, could be an excellent program to help get you back on track!
There is an excellent enema &
colonic forum here at curezone. These are indispensible tools for anyone serious about body cleansing and detoxing.
Another BIG item: LIVER FLUSH! You can flush tons of toxic gunk from your liver very simply and effecitvely. Visit the excellent, very supportive
Liver Flush Forum , click on FAQs at the top and browse through. Any questions you may have will be answered by the wonderful gurus there. Fasting,
colonics and
Liver Flushing have given me back my health (and of course, following up with good diet and exercise).
The good news is... it IS possible to offload all that junk and replace it with vibrant good health! I am a living example. It took me almost four years, but it definitely can be done! Keep at it and start now to plan your post-cleanse diet and exercise program!
Best to you,