So I'll just throw all this out there and go from there - first posting here so greatly looking forward to feedback from the community:
I've recently turned to experimenting with
Lugol's to battle my Hashimoto's because I have yet to see my numbers resolve to any degree. I've been on Dr. Wilson's Nutritional Balancing program for over a year and only watched my numbers (TSH, T4, T3, Reverse T3) go crazy (again) when stopping pharma meds and fully embracing his program - and the program never made a dent in it. I've got TSH hovering in the 200 - 250 range, T4 & T3 sub 1, and Reverse T3 going strong and raising my immune response numbers to pretty high levels. So just not getting traction on Wilson's program to the speed I really need it to feel comfortable. I've read other having issues with the same, and needing stronger interventions - so I guess I just gave it a year and now I'm turning to different approaches - i.e.
Iodine in its purer forms rather than this kelp thing...
The one thing I will give the program credit for is I was able to get through the winter in Seattle without having pneumonia - which I had 7 times over the last year (really I never was able to kick it at all for over a year). And I do think it kept my EBV /
Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome (HHV-6 & HHV-4) in check to a degree - so there is that... although since starting
Iodine I've seen potentially those viral symptoms coming back up and am wondering if they were just lying dormant in the endo system and are now rearing their ugly heads when presented with cleaner and purer iodine... and the question remains what has made me susceptible to getting this ill in the first place - and I do believe it was due to the body taking on bromides, fluorides, etc. as I have looked into the Brownstein writings and they seem spot on. With a compromised immune system due to the Hashimoto's reverse T3 response, you end up with a compromised immune system with zero defenses and are susceptible to all sorts of illness. I just happened to get EBV,
Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome and Pneumonia all together - and continued to try to work through all of that in a high stress job until my wife begged me to stop when my Testo levels got below 100 and we essentially couldn't have another kid...
But I digress - my main point for this posting is that I wanted to fully understand the idodine approach. In my scenario where I know my Hashi's is still full blown again with sky high TSH numbers, immune response numbers, and a reverse T3 reaction ongoing - am I best to take one type of
Iodine vs. another? I got
Lugols because it was easiest for me to procure - but have seen other postings about how the
SSKI can be better for the lungs and thyroid and that it is more like 'food' where
Lugols is more like medicine? What is the best form to clear toxicity from the endocrine system though? Which forms are more 'elemental'? I guess I'm just trying to understand the differences between them. I am fully on board though with it making me feel better though - and I am interested in going to the higher dosage route to blast through this healing process - I ramped up to 50mg and then 50mg x3 a day, and started this morning with 130mg and planned on doing that x2 a day (doses 6hrs apart) for 14 days before falling back to a maintenance dose (50mg) and see how things were holding. But I'm mainly talking about my approach right now with only Lugols. I'm tempted to try 250-300mg at 2x per day (6 hrs apart) based on what Trapper had reported - but I was not clear on if that was what he did with
Lugol's or if that was another combination / form.
Also, after taking high dose
Lugols - or any other combination - is there a reason to take Vit C after two hours? I had also seen that in another posting about how Vit-C converts Iodine to Iodide? I'm wondering if that Vit-C recommendation is to promote that conversion??
I'm interested to hear how others approached their own treatments - especially if they were battling Hashi's - and if they found success in getting their numbers in check through the iodine approach - and if it was through regular dosing or if they went to higher dosing. Because my numbers are so out of whack now already and I feel like utter S - I figured I was going to take it to the high dosing to see how quickly I could break through to the other side. Also interested to know for folks who did get better on Hashi's if they incorporated
SSKI in addition to
Lugol's - and at what amounts - or added another form - Iodoral? Is Iodoral the best iodine pill form essentially? Or just a good strong, clean form that is easier to take?
Sorry for so much info and questions here in one posting. I kind of didn't know where to start and end and had a lot that was coming to mind after spending a lot of the day yesterday reading a TON of posts on here and supporting reading.