I would say that it would depend on what your goals are. You seem to be having an easy time of it same as me and I'm on day 26 and will continue as long as it doesn't interfere with my schedule and commitments till I reach 40 days. This is my 4th MC I have done 40-28-21.
I do miss the social aspects of things a bit cause so much revolves around food and drinks but I have attended several gatherings and have gone on 2 day camping trip with my trusty lemonade in my Nalgene bottles and no prob. I just got myself a glass with some ice poured my lemonade in and sipped on that.
My friends have seen my transformation from when I started on the cleansing trail a little over 3 years ago so there's little flack, not that it would bother me and as a matter of fact several have gone on to do the MC themselves inspired by my success.
While one will benefit from shorter multiple MCs be aware that on 10 dayers that your system barely gets to the point of deeper cleansing and it won't cleanse you at the cellular level where the real healing takes place and where the body gets rid of old dead or damaged cells.
The way I see it and verified in the Detox Stages a minimum 10 day fast has more of a tonic effect but no real healing or deeper tissue cleansing takes effect. Below is from the Detox Stages past day 15.
"The healing work of the organs is being completed. After the detoxification mechanisms have removed the causative agent or render it harmless, the body works at maximum capacity in tissue proliferation to replace damaged tissue. While a short fast will reduce the symptoms, a longer fast can completely heal."
Even if perhaps one doesn't think that one may be ailing from something I personally think that the deeper healing cleansing is an excellent preventative measure. Much too often we don't address the bigger health issues till they have already done damage that is happening through cumulative effects. Once it becomes evident and makes us ill it could possibly be too late for repair so to me the whole key is to look at all this from a prevantative stand before any damage is done. Not looking at the bigger picture from a preventative stance is the biggest shortcoming of modern medicine which bases most of it's practice on treating the symptoms and not really curing much.
If your main thing is getting bored with the lemonade there are different things that folks do for variation. You can have it cold or warm (not hot) You can freeze it and make slushies. As a matter of fact I'm having a slushie right now and it's like like a special treat to be able to chew. I have also switched to limes and I will be going to my local farmers market where I can get some fresh squeezed sugar cane juice to alternate with the syrup. Then there's is also the molasses. I'm not crazy bout the taste of molasses but it's not bad when you do it in halfsies with the maple.
Good luck whatever you decide.
You're welcome W. Good for you that you have carried on during your travels.
I always encourage folks that if their schedule permits and the MC is not interfering with their jobs etc to go past 10 days to get some actual "healing" benefits. For me 10 days is just scratching the surface where the body gets rid of the outer layer of gunk and mucous and the MC starts getting down to do it's "real" work. Actually the lemonade itself doesn't do the healing it's the body that does the healing. The lemonade just clear the way by taking away the junk and giving the digestive system a rest so the body will be free to use the energy that would normally get used for digestion and dealing with all the junk to "heal itself".
On my current MC it was around day 20 when I felt things really started to change and a sense of peace and mental clarity set in. Going for a long MC is worth it just for that mental state alone. Most folks could easily do it if they just stopped whining about every single little nuance they encounter on the MC and just realized that the body is detoxing and not allow themselves to whine and just started drinking more lemonade and water to help get the toxins out and this too will pass......