Well, when the cartel controls dictionary definitions as well, you really can't catch a single break, can ya?
So ok, let's broaden this out just a little with another example of irony. If you visited that site I linked in for you above, you'll see my avatar there is the actual fruit - loquat, that is. There's a good reason for that. We grow it here in London, even tho it requires a Mediterranean-type climate, and it happens to be one of my favorite fruits.
I wanted to use that same avatar on this forum, but couldn't work out how. So I ended up with a squirrel instead. A SQUIRREL!!! I hate squirrels. I hate them with a vengeance. Giant rats with bushy tales that eat my figs. If the missus allowed me, I would decimate the local population. Instead, I lose about 20% of my fig crop to them every year.
Yet this guy who couldn't even get his avatar right on a forum apparently managed to hack into your 'puter. Now that's irony.