Let me put it this way. If you were to accuse me again of being a witch hunter/burner etc. in a past life (leaving aside the fact that I don't share your belief in reincarnation), I would not waste my time denying it, coz to you that just proves that I was indeed a witch hunter in a past life, right? Otherwise why deny it? Damned if I do, damned if I don't. Heads you win, tales I lose, etc etc.
[Ironically, that reminds me of the test they used in the good ol' days to identify them. If they sank & drowned, they were innocent of the charge of witchcraft, but of course they were also very dead. If they floated, guilt was proved, so they were burned at the stake. Also dead. Neat huh?]
So instead of denying it, why not:
1. Simply ignore your ludicrous charges. You know, that old line about not dignifying them with a response. I had seriously considered that too. But then I'm up against qui tacet consentire videtur (silence = consent), so I had to rule it out where you're concerned. Or....
2. Adopt the line of least resistance by agreeing with everything you say, play along with your fantasies, etc etc.
I opted for #2. Are you seriously telling me you never suspected? Well butter my toast and scratch my back, I'll be a son of a raccoon. And who knows, maybe in the next life......
As for whether I care for others who are not 'my own', why not read my posts here in the relevant threads to find out, if you can be bothered and/or find the time:
My username there was the same. BTW, you might also wanna check my lengthy debates with the Fasting Dr re. alternative cancer cures while you're there.