To me Mg citrate tastes good, while ES is borderline tolerable. I don't flush per se, with citrate, since I buy it expensive (all is relative, I know) - a pack of 1/2 lb powder CALM for about 40 $ + delivery. (Which is the least expensive I found - unless someone points out less expensive brand? -- anyone?).
1/2 - 1 tsp a day depending on my body's momentary state may be just a supplement quantity or slightly laxative. Will be laxative, if I have had a lot of greens in the previous days.
Once (as adolescent) I had 30 gr of ES in 1/2 l of carbonated water, which gave me the strongest diarrhea in my lifetime. I felt unwell, dehydrated of course with resulting fissures on my rear end and quite unwell. I removed everything in my intestinal tract from the mouth to the bottom in a matter of 4-5 hrs. I don't remember how much water I had, but I think the pharmacy wrote on the pack to drink at least 1 liter of clean water after gulping the solution.
As laxative before fasting I prefer the Chinese dieters' teas. Much smoother experience with arguably better results. Even a
Sea Salt flush (1 tsp in 1-2 cups plus clean water, about 1 liter after) to me is more appealing than ES. I use warm water for both ...
I never had any stone passed from LF, even though I've had about 200 ml of
OO (Olive-Oil) combined with the rest of full (apples and all, Mg of course)
Liver-Flush protocol in the culminating flush (Starting with 30 ml initially, then 60, then 120 then the 200 ml in 1 week spacing as per Ayurveda-therapist). I only had pea size, soft green bile aggregates which floated. Not too many either. The next 2 days there was green color to the apple-only-meals, in the stool. ... I don't find that
Liver-Flush do anything for me. Maybe mini-flushes with 1 tbsp
OO (Olive-Oil) with 1/2 lemon in the mornings could be a good maintenance for me.
Liver-Flush exhaust me and I don't feel better after them. Whereas fasting clearly makes my digestion better.