Wear underwear under your pajamas at night. When you scratch in your sleep, you are less likely to pick up the eggs under your nails. Change your bed linens and underwear every day. Treat your sex partners. Wash everything in really hot water with some bleach. Use alcohol to disinfect your sink, counters, toilet, etc. Use a nail brush when you wash your hands. Be compulsive about washing your hands.
Try using some frozen cod liver oil capsules. . Freeze them well, then take it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. It may help smother them in your colon. It worked on larger
parasites for me and it has no side effects. I started with 6 capsules and worked up to 12. That's about 2 tsp.
You can also make a suppository out of mebendazole and coconut butter. There are YouTube videos on how to do it. Use them at night.
I used activated hydrogen for larger parasites. Ate a lot of beets and garlic. Keep a journal and note what works for you. I used Vitaklenz for larger parasites. It's an herbal formula so it's easier on the body.
The adults come to the anus at night to lay eggs in the folds of the rectum. That's what causes the itch.
Keep doing the protocol after you think you have nailed them. You still have to kill eggs.
Check out the possibility that you may have scabies if you are itching all over your body.