Well, almost without 461. Nice try tho guys. At least parazapper hasn't made an appearance yet, so a qualified success. Any of you who have read my brushes with 461 on her thread will know that I'm no apologist for her. In fact, we are arguably in diametrically opposing camps on practically every issue that matters - with one notable and important exception - the stranglehold that the lamestream (especially 'big pharma') has over our health choices. On that point at least, we fight as one.
So 461 is a busybody who sticks her nose in everybody's else's business? With friends like that, who needs enemies, etc etc? There may be some truth in all of that, and a lot more besides, and it would explain why she was the only respondent to my recent post in the cancer conspiracy forum (http://www.curezone.org/forums/am.asp?i=2292013), But speaking for myself, I'll take support from any quarter, even the occasional fruitcake.
Any attempt to exclude her from 'the conversation' plays right into her hand, which is basically 461 contra mundum. Anybody who disagrees with her is part of the conspiracy, the brainwashed minions of the elite, etc. I've been on the receiving end of her vitriol, and occasionally given as good as I got. All to no avail, of course. Nothing, but nothing, is gonna persuade her that she is barking up the wrong tree. Despite all that, I still prefer to invoke Voltaire: I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. OK, I probably wouldn't go quite as far as sacrificing my life for her rants, but the principle still stands. Unless there is direct contravention of forum rules, any form of censorship should be avoided at all costs.
Having said all that, what concerns me much more about cz is:
But to answer the question directly about alternative sites, possibly the best solution is to go to specialist sites. For example, for fasting, detox & related issues, I would go to http://www.fastingconnection.com/doctors-blog/latest. You can't post there anymore (except possibly questions for the fasting doctor), but it's still an invaluable resource with a huge range of useful info on a lot of health-related issues. Just type in a key word in the search field, and away you go. For cancer and many other auto-immune related diseases, there are Cancer Tutor and The Truth About Cancer, among many others. Then there are the standard general health sites, such as HSI, NN, and Joseph Mercola. Granted, none of them are forums, but if you go to the relevant article via a search, you often get valuable tips from the comments below the main articles. Often a lot more reliable than you'll get from cz too. But if you're saying we need a radically improved forum for the altmeds, I couldn't agree with you more. CZ is well past it's shelf-life date.
I have no problem with you being here; not in the least. But you missed my qualifier - 'if this site is so offensive to your sensibilities...........'. The point being that if you are going to publish your off-the-wall (some might say, whacky) ideas or theories here, and attack those who disagree with you, then you need to develop a thicker skin, broader shoulders, and stop being so precious when they respond in kind. Humanity is not monolithic or homogeneous when it comes to personal beliefs. Never has been, never will be. So don't be too surprised when the majority refuse to fall in line behind you.
You believe (or at least hope) they'll all be behind bars within a year? The only way that's ever gonna happen is after a 2nd revolution. Seems highly imporbable to me, considering the noose is tightening around the necks of those who speak truth to power: http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/war-whistleblowers/.
You are just one very small step away from living in a police state, if not already de facto living in one. Seems to me you have a lot more to worry about than mere aliens. Time you woke up from your own alien-inspired dream and faced the real world. It's a lot scarier than any alien I've ever encountered.