I know there are many forums already started in regards to
parasite cleansing, but I'm hoping someone can help me with a game plan to continue fixing my health.
To start, I'm a 25 year old female. I have suffered with constipation my whole life, but the last year has been better. I have changed my diet to being vegetarian about 2 years ago and am slowly going vegan.I have done total body cleanses in the past, but only this past year and 1/2 I have done one (14 day timespan) every 4 months. November 2014 I had my appendix removed because it was twisted as well as 3-4
inches of my colon taken out around the area of the cecum because it was infected. I'm assuming there was no test done on the infected mucous on that area because I got no results. The week prior to having my appendix/colon surgery, I had a colonoscopy to try and diagnose my constipation. There were a few polyps mainly in the decending and sigmoid colon. Non were cancerous but I'm supposed to have another colonoscopy at 34.
After my surgery since I had gone under twicexand all the fasting/cleansing I did a total body cleanse to try to clear out that foggy/sluggish feeling from anesthesia. I also took the Garden of Life 5 day probiotic (400 billion). I followed directions and by the second day was very sick. I couldn't eat or hold anything down all day and into the 3rd. Chills while sweating, migraines, nauseous.. So I cut the dosage in half and finished the probiotic in that way. As soon as I got off the probiotic, I had a breakout on my lip as well as my feet broke out ( I have also suffered with dry cracking feetvmy whole life, finally found a podiatrist that gave me topical and oral Rx which made it heal in 2008.. Didnt come back til 2014). Took a few months off a probiotic and tried again August or so this year when my husband mother in law gave me a few multivitamin packets to try(about a weeks worth of those packets that have ~7 pills you take alltogether).. Once I stopped those, my lip broke out again and my feet got worse. When I say my lip broke out, its like a bunch of super tiny pus pockets then it dries and the skin falls off. I'm thinking both my lip and feet problem is candida related but unsure.
I have gotten Clove oil and dilute to 1%, out on bottom of feet and it seems to help heal them so my skin isn't breaking apart.
I did a total body cleanse by RenewLife in October, currently I am on day 5 of Paragone. Ive gained 3 lbs so far(i know thats not much at all) even yhiugh i am going to the restroom contantly! I am wondering anyones experiences with this cleanse, how many times I should cycle through or should I change to a new cleanse after doing this one. I am experiencing headaches and fogginess, and a few fluke pieces I believe (seeds in stool). Also, after
parasite cleansing what should I do next? Liver flush(how do I do that?), candida cleanse, any supplements vitamins minerals I should be taking now? Any food I should not be eating?? The directions on the box say nothing about restricting during a
parasite cleanse but that seems to go against what I've read online.
I'm sorry this is so long and I hope I covered everything.
Oh.. Also I have bumps on my skin by my right lower rib cage if that means anything. Its like a rash but still skin colored, not red, and itches occasionally.