Well it was from this site : http://www.rainbow.coop/library/copper-absorption-and-bioavailability/ But there`s similar wiews on ascorbic acid & copper in other sources too.. I also megadosed on past vitamin c,and used liposomal version that had ascorbic acid, i would not recommend take ascorbic acid and copper on same time, mega doses of vit C also moves toxic copper and it can end up to intestines ,where it can cause trouble if bile is not moving there enough. I absolutely think we should get all nutrients enough,and in cases of serious imbalances like copper/zinc have to take a lot more...God did mean that our physical body uses nutrients to run the machine and keeps us feeling good, thinking any other way is unnatural. I think with copper it`s easy to go over dosing it, as we need it so litle...i dont think nobody will die if plays with some copper and find the weekly dosage level, same goes to zinc, but it`s more tricky IMO, as when loading zinc doses that get the levels enough up to ignite bodys detox there most likely can come symptoms with it when toxic copper,cadmium,mercury moves....but still i got personnally much more painfull stomach pains when was on NB and i what i believe was copper dumping, and im sure it was more painfull becouse i did not have the natural defense system online in my gut, called Metallothionein which one purpose is to bind heavy metals...Metallothionein works only if enough zinc.... Anyway...I think there is ,or might be a great misunderstanding about the mineral zinc, how much we really need it today on our so toxic world, and the seperating detox signs from zinc overdose...I get the feeling it might be same like case with iodine which is greatly misunderstandet element ,at least i see same kind of mechanism there like taking only litle dosage helps but detox can be worse than taking even bigger dosage, like bigger dosage actually protects from the worst detox symtoms...im not totally sure about this, but wanted to say this as something i been lately wondering. With nutrional balansing....I think they are wrong. But it`s just my opinion and everyone is entitled to have also different opinion about it, if NB helps someone it`s cool by me. I think the best thing is just follow instinc ....rabbit...what ever... hey, it`s Friday! ( thank God it`s Friday )