thathippyguy acts just like this. I'd lay odds it's probably him back to his fear mongering ways. *tsk* He hated it when I called him on it last time. He goes to such great lengths to set it up.
But he was trying to make everyone afraid to use a zapper by sounding so terrified and helpless. And of course the original poster wants to be able to say---'ohhhhh, zapping didn't work for me' since 'she's so determined that it IS parasites, and wouldn't even consider it was cadmium poisoning. Clearly either very irrational, or running some kind of agenda.
I just want to make sure folks know there more to it than parasites, to head that 'proof' off at the pass. And of course, they always have back up stomp in and defend them, so they can stay the 'poor helpless victim'.
It's not going to last much longer though, I hope. The big pharma employees are gonna be looking for jobs soon, with any luck at all.