Hi RRotmg....If you have Systemic Candida then I would have to say, quite honestly, that you really are not doing enough to get rid of it with your own current protocol. I had systemic candida about 9 years ago and managed to get rid of it and cure myself completely. By cure I mean all my many symptoms gone and I can now eat what I like in sensible amounts -- including wheat, sugar, dairy etc without any reaction or allergies arising. And the candida has never returned in 9 years.
First go to this website and take Dr William Crooks Candida Questionnaire to honestly confirm your candida. Dr William Crook was a leading expert on candida who wrote the ground breaking book "The Yeast Connection". His questionnaire is about the most accurate and cheapest way to find out whether you actually have candida or not. Here is the link to his questionnaire:
Dr Crooks Candida Questionnaire.
If you have candida then you should follow a strong plan or strategy like this:
Anti-Candida, Anti-Parasite and Anti-Pathogen Protocols
Anti-Biofilm Protocols
Alkalizing Protocols
Candida Waste Toxins Detox Protocols
Essential Heavy Metal Detox Protocols
Liver Support Protocols
Vitamin and Mineral Support (Immune System Support)
The Anti-Candida Diet
The whole protocol that I followed to cure my own serious systemic candida issues together with other useful candida information -- is shown here.
And if you fail to get rid of your candida properly -- here is an interessting diagram on the virulence and many directions that candidia can progress towards in terms of other associated diseases:
Candida Virulence and Progression
Good luck !!
Hi guarev147....There is no questionnaire that I know of for parasites unfortunately.
Most people have problems when they give up carbs, especially those people with candida. Candida can actually cause you to crave sugars and carbs -- its poisons can affect your hormones as well as appetite.
If you don't eat sugar or carbs their should be no problem really because your body can easily inter-convert fats and proteins into glucose for energy whenever it likes. Another way is to take a tablespoon of virgin coconut oil twice a day with a meal. VCO unusually contains medium chain triglycerides which are converted and stored as glucogen in the liver. Whenever you need energy quickly the glucogen is then released into the blood by the liver and converted into what's called keytone bodies and these are easily absorbed into our cells and converted to glucose. Candida cannot utilize keytone bodies for energy but we can. What's more, coconut oil also acts to dissolve the outer lipid walls of enveloped viruses, bacteria and fungus thus killing them. So coconut oil acts as a good anti-fungal as well.