It is somewhat rare but between .6% and 15% have some reactions which can be quite severe in rare cases.
This guy used topical povidine for 3 days
In case anyone has mysterious hives or skin lesions they could do an ommission test on elemental iodine.
After years of Brownstein protocols I try to get mine from seaweed and kelp.
FIR sauna is great for bromide detox.
note to vulcanel - you are the chemist, not me. but the language, i know backwards and forwards.
: the smallest possible amount of a particular substance that has all the characteristics of that substance
: a very small amount of something
Several methods of representing a molecule's structure. In Lewis structures, element symbols …—© Merriam-Webster Inc.
If you're too lazy to go to a sauna, I've found nicotinic acid i.e flushing version of niacin on an empty stomach will do the trick.
I get a full blown flush for 20 minutes with 250mg. I guess over time as my body builds up tolerance I'll up the dose. I do this first thing in the morning usually.
No problem. I didn't mean too lazy to go, but more so from the convenience point of view. I wake up, do niacin, then go down to kitchen to cut up a lime and add sea salt, come back up to add vitamin and other supplements. Within this time I start flushing and after I take my vitamins jump in a hot shower. I feel all the goodies going to all parts of my body, get a sweat. More importantly, it has taken care of almost all my skin issues.
Ido suggest that you give it a try. 13 bucks for 100 grams and even cheaper if you buy a bigger quantity, you can't go wrong with it.