the junk in your eyes (posted on another forum) shows inflammation. it starts out white and then turns yellow and then brown and when it fades, it goes the opposite way - brown to yellow to white and then clears. some believe its a backed up lymphatic system too. the yellow ring around the inside of your iris is in the skin area. that usually means that your liver is congested and your body is trying to detox through the skin. that might be why you get rashes. the rings around the pupils indicate low stomach acid and a colon in need of cleansing.
the fibers dont look in too bad of shape. im not experienced enough to try to go in an interpretation, but there are marking in the bronchus and bronchiols areas and at the bottom... kidney and leg areas?
there is no markings that indicate leaky gut or horrible damage... just general toxicity. usually bad/leaky gut problems and
parasites show up as wagon wheel like spokes. do you smoke or live with a smoker?
maybe some candida overgrowth too. that brown stripe is in the mental ability area. brain fog?
all in all it shows mostly inflammation and mucus. exercise to move lymph, bowel cleansing, cutting out dairy should clear them up.
Iodine is supposed to clear your eyes up but i havent noticed any improvement with it yet. you should email doctor morse. he can tell you better.