Hi LOL Mart,
That form is a little bit Type-A. :) That's ok ...it takes one to know one. And a pretty common trait for us adrenal fatigue folks. Made me smile.
I started copper detox a little over 2.5 years ago. First started Cutler protocol, which was too fast for me. Tried TEI and Ann-Louise Giddleman for about 9 months. Switched to Pam Killeen, who has sort of tweaked Dr Wilsons protocol, so much that he took her off his list of practitioners (mostly related to diet)
Too many health issues to list again... see my old posts.
I generally just take the recommended supplments. Although I took Panathine for a while. I needed it to control inflammation, but I don't need it anymore.
I sometimes take Giddlmans Osteo-key instead of Paramin, it has K2 and a few other key nutrients. Paramin is ok ... but a little out of date.
I don't follow Dr Wilsons diet at all. I generally eat a lot of grass fed beef, pork and chicken. You need animal fat to trigger bile release.
This is one of the reasons vegetarians often have inactive gallbladders. Less animal fat > less bile release for digestion > more retained bile, toxins and cholesterol.
My sister who is still working with Pam has had her blood cholesterol go DOWN since she has been eating more bacon, egg and beef.
The coffee enemas really help make the detox easier. I did the first year of copper detox without them. I couldn't take ANY zinc that first year since the symptoms were so severe.
Was very nervous to add coffee enemas, but after a week doing the CEs, I was able to tolerate zinc. They definitely help the toxins leave rather than circulating around your body.
See my old posts for progress as well.
Do a little research on what happens to adrenal hormones during arousal and cllmax. It is a stressor, and it boosts adrenal hormones.
Anything that is exciting boosts adrenal hormones is more attractive when you are deficient. It makes you feel good for a little while.
That's why addiction is fairly common with adrenal fatigue. Thrill seeking of any kind is no different than hit of strong coffee. Nice sort term hit of energy, with longer term costs for those with adrenal fatigue.
So I think he is on the money with that one.
Lots of other experts promote animal fats. So I guess you have to pick your expert. Weston Price has a ton of research. You have to cook pork well to kill parasites.
We have been eating animals fat for thousands of years. We are meant to eat it. If I have some nice grass fed bacon at 7pm, I can go to noon easily without feeling hungry.
Here is a quote from a Weston Price artilcle.
"The Framingham Heart Study is often cited as proof of the lipid hypothesis. This study began in 1948 and involved some 6,000 people from the town of Framingham, Massachusetts. Two groups were compared at five-year intervals—those who consumed little cholesterol and saturated fat and those who consumed large amounts. After 40 years, the director of this study had to admit: “In Framingham, Mass, the more saturated fat one ate, the more cholesterol one ate, the more calories one ate, the lower the person’s serum cholesterol. . . we found that the people who ate the most cholesterol, ate the most saturated fat, ate the most calories, weighed the least and were the most physically active.”3 "
And there was a study just published this year regarding low fat diets being less healthy than consuming saturated fats. Here is a summary of the study.
I think Dr Wilson formed his beliefs around diet when the conventional wisdom was that saturated fats are bad. And he is reluctant to change. After promoting a diet for 30 years ... it is natural that he is going to be resistant to new data.