Whoa dude where in the world did you get this about adding the P&B to the lemonade????????
Bentonite is a a highly absorbtive clay if you add it to the lemonade you are negating any nutrinition or cleansing from it. Also because of the large volume of liquid the psyllium absorbs 6
oz of fluids is just not enough.
The proper way to do the BPs is to add 1 tsp of the Psyllium if powdered and I believe its 1 tbsp if whole husks and 1 tbs of "hydrated"
Bentonite to 10
oz of water, shake real good then drink that down then drink another 10
oz of plain water. You are supposed to drink this one hour prior to or 1hr after taking any nutrition.
Please refrain from giving out info unless you know what you are taking about.
Ok, awlright I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you read this somewhere and if that's the case then site your source but just on common sense alone and knowing how the
Bentonite works I find it very very very unlikely that there is sucha source. If you can't site the source then how did you arrive at your formula???
Barring aside your formula Psyllium comes in 2 different forms which makes the amount that you use quite different. The bentonite is most common as a dry powder and which you hafta mix with water before ingesting. I don't know what the ratio is. As far as I know most if not all the folks that frequent these forums they use the pre hydrated bentonite. So just from these facts alone your info is very faulty and incomplete and my admonition to not give out info unless you "know" what you are talking about still stands.