Hello there all, first off I'd like to say that i had been plagued with a nasty issue for around 3 years. Ive read through this forum so many times and tried many of the things on here. my history is the same as many on here, i had been taking many doses of different types of
Antibiotics due to infections in the tonsils. my breath was so bad it would stink up the room. waiting in lines at gas stations were embarasing everyone could smell me, no mouthwash brushing teeth or anything helped. even my
Body Odor was horrible i remember my hair would stink so bad coming out of the shower. i didnt quite know what was happening, my stool movements burned and had undigested foods in them. after many trials and errors and changing my diet to very healthy ie fruits, vegtables, rice, lean meats. and using prescript assist probiotics. these probiotics are like no other and truly helped me. The bad breath and
Body Odor slowly subsides over weeks of using these probiotics as our microflora adapts. The soil based organisms are some of the only that can truly change the negative bacteria that have established on our guts that have had the good bacteria killed. Even though im not 100% cured i no longer stink like before and my breath isn't anywhere near as bad. I will continue taking them along with the kefir ive been taking. I noticed that the kefir alone doesn't help nearly as much as when combined with the SBO probiotics. We just need to introduce as many strains of good bacteria as possible because the chronic
Antibiotic use has killed them off. I know this may not help everyone but I promised myself i would post on here if i ever found something that helps drastically because i truly tried almost everything on here and only gave me temporary effects.