That was my initial reason, yes. As time went on I learned that in Hashimoto's autoimmune thyroiditis(the most common form of hypo today), celiac disease/gluten intolerance is a common finding. I thought to myself.... hmmmm, just because it seems that I have no problem with wheat/gluten... perhaps I should give it up and see what happens. So many people have an intolerance, what makes me exempt?
The extremely obvious hint was the day I ate a sandwich on big ole fat italian bread. Within 30 minutes my sinuses completely congested, my nose started running and I started sneezing and I was sick for the next two days. Another "sinus infection". I used to get those 3-4 times a year.
I went off gluten completely. Within a few days all aches and pains left my body. I have not had a single "sinus infection" and I have not been sick. That was over two years ago now.
ok, I say completely... but, I have experimented. I've thought to myself, naaaah, I'll try it. The last time I tried eating wheat, I sneezed about 50 times the next day. The day after that I woke up with the area under my eye swollen so much that I could not see down. It was a blocked oil duct no doubt brought upon by all the sneezing.
I feel amazingly well. I will never eat gluten/wheat again. I'm in great shape, have a ton of energy and I just feel GREAT!!! I do NOT miss wheat products at all. I have never been known for my self-discipline so the fact that I just do not want that "delicious" bread/pasta, etc is phenomenal to me. My tastebuds are no longer in control!!!! :)))))
And yeah, the book "wheatbelly", is great. He also maintains an excellent blog and has a facebook page as well.