So I read all of the comments on my last thread, and I thank you guys so much for sticking with this and trying to find an answer, and I've slowly started to add different things into my method...and yes, that includes adding a product into my routine.
However I do not want to put everyone's eggs into one basket here, yes I want to find the quickest way to get cured, but I do not want to get a cure that includes applying a moisturizer every day forever, which none of us doing that method have been able to get off of. I understand that your lips look nearly healed on a daily basis, however my lips were looking that way for years, and I didn't have to peel them very often until the last year or so...I did rub them after the shower, but I didn't have considerable build up until the last year when I finally decided to find an answer to this.
I do honestly believe it will work, however I want to use all natural products if I am going to use something, and even though it might take a bit longer for the crusts to come off at first (I just started using it) once it is on healthy skin it keeps it soft and moist nearly all day long, which is pretty important I believe.
The thing that we truly need to find out is what happens, being that you are looking a lot better, if you don't apply the product for a couple days? Will the lips start to build up and how much compared to before? If I stop using the coconut cream my lips will build up at the same rate because I am using it only twice a day, however if you are constantly using a product almost all of the time (I'm not sure who is or not or what the rate is you apply it during the day I have forgotten)I believe it will be difficult for your lips to go back to the dry environment they are supposed to be in after you make the build up stop.
Just some pressing concerns I have on the issue and I believe they are valid. Yes constant moisture will allow your lips to heal, but what happens if the skin is so used to the constant moisture that they freak out as you ease off? That is what we need to start figuring out next.
I'll post a picture of my lips tonight after applying a little more than normal cream last night. I put a little on this morning before work and a little on about an hour ago. Let me know what you guys think, I really like how this product feels (last time I used aquaphor my lips burned and inflamed so I am wanting to go all natural products on this and I really think I am on the right track even it takes a few weeks for all my crusts to come off. The main thing is they build up considerably slower than before). The corners of my lips are still healing from using the coconut oil, it for some reason really hurt my corners, but they are feeling a lot better now. Let me know your thoughts!