Hi Natway,
The hypoglycemic diet is just about the opposite. A high carbohydrate, low protein diet, may reduce hypoglycemic symptoms temporarily, but you are in fact aggravating the hypoglycemia. ,The fundamental cause of hypoglycemia is over-consumption of refined carbohydrates over a long period of time, as is now the normal diet in the Western world.
"Sugar addiction is a common factor in hypoglycemia; most people who suffer from this disease have a severe sweet tooth. They crave sugar as an upper because it increases their blood sugar levels and makes them feel less lethargic.""Hypoglycemia: A Nutritional Approach by Louise Tenney page 13
Hi Ta
"Can anybody here explain how H pylori or possibly candida could be causing reactive problems like this ?. I've read it's possible but I just don't understand how the process works."
H pylori is the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers. It can be treated by taking anti-biotics. Candida is a species of yeast that among others thrives on sugar. Thus hypoglycemic people are at risk of developing candida or thrush.
See: The Leaky Gut Syndrome by Dr Paul Ameisen --> Page 3
Fectoid2: "It is a tricky one. Starches, and potatoes in particular cause blood glucose to spice even more so than table sugar. Potatoes are a high Glycemic Index (GI) food. http://www.glycemicindex.com/"
According to Dr George Samra, a Nutritional Doctor in Kogarah, Australia the glycemic index is somewhat misleading, because it measure the area under the curve of a glucose tolerance test (GTT), after ingestion of food. The greater the area the more closely it will compare to diabetes.Whereas the GI should really measure the Initial spike in insulin after ingestion of the food and not the whole area under the curve. See Glycemic Index by Dr george Samra.
Complex carbohydrates are not forbidden in the hypoglycemic diet. The culprit is sugar and high density fructose and of course your specific allergies. There is a way of finding your allergies by keeping a diary as explained at: Finding your Allergies