Thanks all for your comments...
I havent done an ASI test recently, my last one was a year ago which showed low , pretty much flat all day and normal at midnight. All of this started two years ago when I began waking up at 3-4am, and it just continued, and eventually drained me more and more. I do feel like my cortisol is shooting through the roof at night now, the surges come from my lower back, I can actually feel it pulsating and shaking (when my mind and rest of my body is all chilled)...I havent tried licorice because Dr Lam pretty much scared the shit out of me about using adaptgens. I was using a product called Relax All which really helped the sleep but as it contains Phenibut it can only be used for a few days. Dr Lam literally shouted at me when I said I had been using it...I coulkdnt help it, I am going insane without sleep. He then told me that if 'sleep was that important I should go see a neurologist as his programme wont help if I dont sleep' Things never got any better on his programme, just worse, I just felt like I was being proped up. They kept going on about melatonin, he helps me fall alseep but nothing helps maintain my sleep no matter what the dosage. Time released capsules, nothing. Now my sleep is the worse it has ever been, I fall alseep, wake at 2am, sometimes able to get back to sleep, then wake at 3-4am, them im awake unless I take something more. Ive just ordered some Seriphos, its meant to lower cortisol at night, so if it is the problem it might help.
I do want to do another one but money is becoming an issue. Ive spent so much (over $8000) and am in a worse place than when I started.
I hae just started taking digestive enzymes, no real change yet. Its crazy, ive suffered IBS a lot of my life and had to live on laxatives for eight years..then in July, I found I didnt need them anymore. I was so happy, it seemed like things where fixing themselves. I did a hair analysis and found I had high calcium, low magnesium and I was having terrible muscles cramps, my shoulders literally were locking up every five minutes. A local nuitritionist told me to take the Mag Citrate, and its definitely helped the cramping.
I have just sent off a stool sample to check for Candida/
parasites as since taking the mag ive noticed white pieces in my stools , could be calcium deposits, could be candida or could just be the ast amount of nuts I have to eat. Im not digesting food well now...I feel so much worse than when I actually started Dr Lams protocol. So much worse. Ill add some acidophillus now ive done the stool test...
I also cant drink any water. Anything I drink comes out in around five minutes. I continually drink
Sea Salt water throughout the day and it does nothing to aid the sodium retention. I now have to avoid drinking anything, occasional sips otherwise im peeing 20-30 times a day. This is a new occurance as well. If I drink a lot of water, I feel terrible in the evening and get massive physical anxiety.
I just dont know what to do anymore, feel like giving up. When the money dries up, which will be by Christmas, I wont be able to do anything more, no supplements, no mineral water, no tests.