I have been sick 25+ years. I have systemic candida, adrenal exhaustion (sometimes), hypothyroidism plus 40 symptoms. I'm exhausted and in pain all the time. (CFS/FM). I recently did a hair analysis test and the Frequent Dose Chelation yahoo support group figures I have mercury toxicity because my minerals were deranged. So I'm detoxing right now with DMSA, will add ALA soon. I've spent a great deal looking into candida and endocrine issues with no improvement in how I feel. Also got side tracked with the mercury issue as even though I thought I might have it whatever I took never worked or I didn't take enough, also on any test it showed no problems but have recently found out because the way mercury metabolizes in the body it will often not show up on tests. So I'm going to give it a good try and detox following Cutler's Protocol.
My most troubling symptoms are fatigue, pain and candida. Candida bothers me the most as it stops me from being intimate with people hence why I'm single.
I've been told I had candida in my blood so it must be systemic. I also have chronic sinus infection which I think is fungal. But whenever I have a pap test done which I admit I haven't had too many of them over the years, all my tests are normal including yeast and std infections.
I have a heavy discharge. The worst is after my period. It seems to pour out of me just about every time I use the washroom. It is egg white consistency, so normal just a lot of it. A few days later it's a yellow color and more thicker just not as frequent. It starts to happen more just before my period and even when my period first starts it's mixed with discharge. I guess I try so hard to kill the yeast and I can't get rid of it. Maybe it's the heavy metals I don't know. I don't even know 100% if I have mercury. I do the spit test and it seems obvious I have candida unless other bacterias give you the same result. Sometimes I wonder if I have another type of infection. I know when I go off the candida diet my sinuses get worse and my saliva which already seems thick gets thicker.
I have a lot of inflammation in my body due to my illness. I just wonder if the mucous/discharge in my body is due to inflammation and not candida? But I swear when I took Syclovir my spit test improved though I still had lots of discharge.
Right now I'm taking
Iodine for the thyroid. Just recently started 100mg of Iodoral and I'm taking the supplements that accompany that to get rid of bromide and fluoride in my body since they have taken up the cell receptors and the
Iodine is not getting into my cells even though my tests say it's enough. For those that don't know you have to take the
Iodine to remove the bromide and fluoride and take salt. Iodine is suppose to help with mucous in the body. I've read it helps the mucous in the lungs a lot so I was hoping it would help with vaginal discharge plus it's suppose to be a good candida killer. I've been taking it for about 6 weeks and there doesn't seem to be a change in the discharge or candida levels according to the spit test. For about the same time I've been adding boron to my water as it's a candida killer too. (It's safe to take in low doses if you research the forums). I started with 1/8 tsp and now have increased it to 1/4 even though that's a dose for men. One woman got better in a year without changing her diet. She said she had systemic candida like me but I can't imagine not doing the diet. I'm having a hard enough time getting rid of it while being on the diet. And a few days ago I started on Syclovir. It's the most effective thing I've found for killing yeast. I had it down a fair amount, then stopped it for financial reasons, and it came back. I guess I didn't have enough good bacteria to keep it in check. So here I am again and toughing it out with the crappy diet. So sick of it! I tried treating this a zillion times! I've only recently been detoxing from mercury and only done about 6-7 rounds of DMSA if anyone is familiar with the program. Next I will add ALA. I'm about to start making kefir soon, so hope that helps. With the sinus infection/congestion I use a neti pot everyday. It's better but I still have it and if I stopped it would come back. It's just clear yellow now instead of brown/yellow/green gunk. Sorry to be graphic! I put iodine, boron, xylitol,
Sea Salt in the water.
I'm not not sure if I have adrenal exhaustion. It feels like it. My tests fluctuate. Usually they are normal, near below normal or below. My last one shocked me as my morning level was sky high. I figure it was due to lack of sleep as it's never been high and I heard lack of sleep makes cortisol rise. I used Diagnos Techs and was told they were unreliable so I'm redoing them using ZRT.
I'm not asking for help on the adrenals as I know I've written too much. I can ask the adrenal forum for guidance. I just wanted to give you a bigger picture. No matter what I do I don't feel better with the adrenals. Tried meds and herbs. I don't know if it's really mercury (if I have it) that's giving me grief. My aldosterone levels are normal even though I crave salt. I salt fasted and took the test on day 3 or 4 of my cycle too. All I know is I'm exhausted, in pain and have no life!
Here are my questions: (If you don't know much about Iodine that's OK, I will ask the iodine group but if you know anything please comment.
-Is the candida spit test just for candida or can the results be from other bacteria in your body? Cause sometimes I wonder if I have another infection just cause I treat sometimes and get no where.
-Do you think I have candida if my pap test is clear?
-Does iodoral help with vaginal discharge? (Btw, I've taken everything under the sun to treat candida).
-Can inflammation have anything to do with the discharge?
-I'm curious to know, can dental plaque affect Candida?