here are some thoughts, that might help you piece together a bigger picture.
"But he said in his office my pupils were not dialating properly."
^^^^ for one thing, very likely low iodine. Which can play havoc with the entire bodily system, and hijack the mind too.
I would say, mineral deficiencies, in general...and lack of assimilation of what you ARE eating.
Vegetarian often means lots of bread-y things--or includes canola oils, etc. and can mean lots of dairy too. Not sure what your situation is. But often, vegetarian can equal malnourished--this is partly owing to the general lack of mineralization of our food, in these times. And, are you getting B-12? Form nutritional yeast? Have you had any
vaccinations prior to this? Any dental work? Mercury might have tipped you over into toxic overload.
In fact, if you are in mineral deficiency, you will be weakened at all levels, and subject to environmental overload.
Does a pinch of Celtic or other truly good salt in a glass of water sipped help? Sometimes that can have a big, almost instant effect. Such salt has more that 70 minerals in trace form. We don't need huge amounts of minerals, ( and the body can't deal with pills)- we just need to be able to assimilate them.
Are you getting enough (pure)water?
Drink anything like pop or coffee, or take fake sugars? These mean your body has to work very hard to alkalize- such that you end up in deficit.
I think, were I in your shoes, I would try a week of raw food only--with green-based juices, (adding an apple or some such for sweetness),water, and big salads. And/or mono meals of whatever fruit appeals. Maybe taking small amounts of coconut oil, throughout. And avocados...
I would work at giving the system a rest from digestion, with an emphasis on juices that you masticate well, to add your saliva. And make sure the bowels are moving correctly.
Schulze asserts that the greater percentage of people are 'cured' of whatever ails them through just bowel cleansing alone. This usually involves herbs, like Dr. Christopher's LBB formula, or Schulze's- but can be 'a miracle'.
I remember at perimenopause having a whole host of odd and increasingly disturbing 'symptoms', and only ever being told it was 'age', while I was prone to low blood sugar, had low blood pressure, and often felt as though I was 'shot'. Nervous system all out of whack...I'm pretty sure I'd have got worse and worse, had I not taken matters into my own hands--and retired all doctors.
Things I've done since then, that made a huge difference:
Started taking only good salt--previously I'd bought white 'health food store
Sea Salt '-- but it's empty.
Re-mineralized (this is KEY)
and built up my
Iodine stores:
with daily kelp, organic blackstrap molasses, lemon and calcium hydroxide and magnesium
(Google/try the
Iodine "paint" test; it's a good basic indicator of where you stand on the scale of depletion. An eye-opener.)
I changed my vegetarian diet to a plant-based one, with far less dairy, and grains. Started eating way more fruit.
Juiced--this is a rapid way to cleanse and re-mineralize, beacause it goes very quickly right to the blood.
Water fasted(Alright,this is radical, and I do not advocate jumping into it--but some people do just that, and find it does amazing things for them. The important thing is to re-feed with wisdom, and to do nothing sudden or in excess. For me, it's been a 'missing link', that has removed aches and pains, got rid of my thyroid concerns, and made my assimilation so much better, that I can do very well now on one meal a day.
The more greens you can get, and the more raw food you can handle, I believe, the better you will feel. One way to eat more raw greens is to make blended 'soups', with kale, parsley, cilantro, and so forth, lemon and a bit of olive oil--or avocado.
If you drink tea, you might switch to nettles (buy the whole dried herb) and red clover--these are both very nourishing.
Another thing I've done is make my own cultured vegetables, and kombucha. More good nutrition. Kombucha with ginger and blueberries added just before drinking is delicious.
hope something here can help you find you way back to stabilized, and feeling your own vitality. There are many ways to approach the issue of ill health; after more than a decade of self-directed study and experimentation, on doing it the Natural way (let your food be your medicine)I've come to the conclusion that it can be summed up with the rather simplistic sounding (but not without humour) phrase: "weed and feed". :-) It shouldn't be something we can only accomplish if we have wealth or some special abilities. And it isn't, thankfully.
There are also the other -very important- 'body-mind' pieces: EFT, Ho'oponopono (which is a profound forgiveness practise, that looks overly-simple at first), meditation, etc.
But first, to gain a little breathing space, try the
Iodine painting test, and the pinch of
Sea Salt in a glass of water...and remember to breath. try to find times when you will sit and just deep breath, slowly but without any force, 21 times.
This alone, will help to bring in innate energies that can assist you.
best, Chiron
PS--we need far less protein than we think. You might actually be getting too much, in the form of the beans, lentils....