It surely would seem to apply least to breatharians, but I have noticed that posters in the breatharian forum don't tend to stick around long . . .
I fasted on water for awhile, am fruitarian many years,
To break a recent water fast I ate a live fresh killed lobster. For two days after I dreamt about the lobsters life in the water, the crate, the restaurant fish tank, the pool holding tank it had lived in before it lived in the restaurant tank. I felt the lobsters death e-mote-ions, trapped e-mote-ions, anger e-mote-ions, etc emotions, until the lobster meat finally left my system.
Breatharians feel the effect of every food they eat as awareness is increased when juice fasting or fasting in general
Imo fresh fruit and herbs are the only healthy human foods. Genesis 1:29
Greens vegetables are for animals like elephants Genesis 1:30
Grains are for rats. Milled grains/bread/paste is glue.Meat is for scavangers like lions who eat the dead animals and then sleep in the sun 10 hours to digest the dead animal
note to galaxy...wiley brooks is a poor non college brainwashed, black man who learned he could live on prana and thrive as a weight lifter and body builder on a prana diet, he was ridiculed by the press, he had no teachers guiding him in prana or fasting, and due to poverty he was forced to move to a polluted ghetto in LA,CA. Prana eaters are sensitive to vibes, to survive in the vibes of polluted LA, CA pranarians will CHOOSE to eat meat or fish, or vegetables or fruit or junk or whatever to remove thier awareness and sensitivity and to get grounded with other earthlings who eat tons of meat, congesting grain/bread/pasta paste and dirt vegetables every day. Food, except for fruit and herbs, clogs and congests and dulls human consciousness and body functions.
Breatharian is not a LABEL or a MOLD, only nazis number and label humans, and rx drug and junk food pushers must label ingrediants. Labeling humans is silly. Breatharian pranarian means a person gets air in thier lungs, the air in thier lungs attracts the iron molecules in thier blood and oxygenates/feeds the blood cells, feeds the humans fully, nourishes the humans blood, body and organs.
BREATHARIAN PRANARIAN INEDITE means a person who understands this and THRIVES on it. Breatharians can CHOOSE to eat or not eat and they MAINTAIN A SLENDER AND HEALTHY OPTIMAL FOR THIER FRAME, LIFE WEIGHT AND THEY ALL LIVE WITH GOOD ENERGY TO RIPE OLD AGES, they are no longer food addicted. They do not buy into the lies of the cattle ranchers, the pig farmers, the kfc or purdue chicken slaughterhouse profiteers. They live on oxygen, light and cosmic soup, prana. That is why i study them, they are viable.
jericho sunfire is a 'firey' body builder breatharian, he admits it took him 15 years to adapt and reprogram to prana, first he ate meat, then vegan, then fruitarian, then prana, if a reporter tries try to label jericho as a breatharian he will shove a meat burger in thier face, and his, just to shut them up from LABELING him and trying to put him in a MOLD. People in molds get moldy.
Jericho Sunfire is funny