I'm 22 years old and have 2 children. I've had the Mirena for about 6 months now and the past few months I have been in so much pain throughout my entire body.
I went the doctors finally because the pain was getting unbearable and it was effecting my ability to care for my children (my fiance works out of town and is really never home). They tested me for lupus, and that came back negative. I was dehydrated and my liver values were low. They suggested I stop breastfeeding my son b/c maybe it was too much for my body to handle and if they needed to put me on meds it wouldnt be safe for the baby.
So,I went back for my second appointment and told them about my history of sciatic nerve problems since I was pregnant with my daughter 3 yrs ago and they said that was the reason i was in so much pain, that my 2nd pregancy to my son (who i had 7 months ago) must have made it worse. They put me on Naproxen and muscle relaxers. I also stopped breastfeeding and began to feel better within days. They were going to test me for
RA and for Fibromyalgia but never did.
Now, not even a month later, I'm beginning to feel the same pains:
•- joint pains
•-lower back pain
•-sciatic pains
•-muscle stifness and pain
•-abdominal pains/cramps
•(still) no period since the mirena was placed
All these seem to get worse as the day progresses, or may just last all day and night, and they seem to be worse in very cold weather.
The muscle relaxers and naproxen are a temporary fix, although i can't take them during the day b/c they make me too loopy and drowsy, so I usualy stick to ibuprophen and it helps.
Please help, any info anyone has on what may be going on, please share. I'm 22 years old and I feel like my body is falling apart.