This is another thread talking about selenium that evolved to talk about chelating mercury.
Halfway down you'll see a link from Newport that describes Andy Cutler's protocol for chelating mercury. It also mentions his book, "Amalgam Illness," which might be a good resource for you.
Don't worry over the mercury part of the extraction as the mercury in the Amalgam is chemically locked and harmless even if swallowed it would just pass without harm.
The danger from Amalgams is the constant chewing and grinding which releases cumulative amounts over many years.
Which is it, the mercury in the amalgam passes without harm, or it accumulates from chewing & grinding?
If chewing & grinding releases a constant low dose of mercury over a long period of time, would it be logical to conclude that the sudden removal of an amalgam involving cutting, drilling, & partial vaporization might release a high dose of mercury over a short period of time?
As someone who can get thoroughly stuck in a muck of neverending "but what ifs," I read your amalgam posts with a sense of relief. I'm lucky to have a dentist who is technically thorough and a bit of a perfectionist. He'd already replaced my biggest remaining amalgam, which had been leaking for who knows how long before we figured it out. Fishing out the remaining two was mostly nuisance after that. I was even more relieved to have Hubby -- of the Alzheimer's lineage -- enthusiastically embrace removing his. Thanks for reminding me of how good it felt to act.
Isofluarne IS a common anesthetic and it contains 3 fluoride molecules!!!