Well, I've really been hitting it hard the past two weeks. Really focused on the liver. Have passed a few hundred stones and much sludge easily. The past few days I've passed a bunch of plaque.. nothing LONG, but broken up pieces... and I have had stretches every day where I feel scary bad... I mean horrible and anxious to where I fear my body isn't going to be able to handle it. My kindeys have ached when I feel like crap, and I've been using charcoal poultices on drinking lots of water.. also 3 days into the kidney cleanse.
What I've done pretty much every day the past two weeks.
1)12-15 IF #1 & 5 tsp #2
2)castor oil (most every day), charcoal packs on liver
3)4-6 carrot/celery juice w/4-6 superfood
4)2 hot cold showers for 15 minutes each
5)5-6 bananas, soaked oat groats, cup or so of pineapple, 4 T raw honey, some mango, blueberries
6)gallon of RO water
7)3 ACV bombs
9)15 minutes rebounding
Coffee-Enema (past week)
Liver Flushes (one on Saturday and Monday)
The general theme is.. I'll wake up and feel tired and groggy/exhausted and just bleh.. and then I will have a bm and then feel better in about 30 minutes.
At night is when I begin to feel the harsh detox.. starting around 9pm till early morning. Feel panicky and anxious, some chest pain, weakness, kidney aching, liver aching, bloating in stomach and core, lots of gas.
Now, I have done a lot of work and made a lot of progress I believe.. BUT, I've had it with the tough detox. I want to do it well, but I want to do it more gently.. I'm sick of dreading going to bed thinking I'm going to wake up w/my heart pounding and feeling like I'm going to pass out and die.
How should I go about this? After my second
Coffee-Enema today, I felt good initally, but then started feeling shaky, cold, dizzy and anxious. It seemed that all the stuff brought out during the
Coffee-Enema didn't get out and was backed behind other stuff in my colon. I did pass about 80 stones with 10-15 the size of dimes afterwords, but then had to take a
water enema to pass some more plaque and sludge. My body can't keep up with this comfortably right now.. and I really want to back off so I can at least function. I can when I feel fine but when the detox comes I am basically in my room sitting down and just trying to bear it through.
So... what the heck should I do? My fear is that if I try and scale back I'll scale back too much and not accomplish anything.