I am so SORRY that I have overwhelmed you even more than you already were. I misunderstood. I thought you were planning to start on the Incurables Program, which includes juice fasting and a whole lot more.
It sounds like you planned to start with what
Dr. Schulze calls his "Foundational Health Program".
You are correct that what
Dr. Schulze now offers does not jibe with what he said/did when he had his clinics or when he shared his formulas and programs. I could send you some links that address this subject... BUT I won't. I will try to offer you a short article/information that should help you understand WHERE you need to start.
This information says you start with the colon cleansing, superfood, and echinacea. If Uny recommended other cleanses and products to START at the same time, I am sure she will respond. If it were me... I would start working on the colon/bowel (the sooner you get that elimination channel working, the sooner you will have a clearer picture of what your body is needing.)
1. IF1 & IF2 (Cleanse the bowel/colon)
2. SuperFood (Nutrition)
3. Echinacea. (Immune Boosting)
I PROMISE this is the last link I will offer!
Moving Toward Perfect Health Foundational Health Programs:
Some excerpts:
Why the Foundational Health Programs?
I learned from my great teachers the importance of beginning EVERY patient, regardless of what was wrong with them, with the basics of good health. I learned the good common sense to know that ALL my patients had to start here first.
SUPER NUTRITION CLEANSING AND DETOXIFICATION OF THE ELIMINATION ORGANS, IMMUNE BOOSTING, I knew I had to begin here before we could start any advanced routines.
That's right, the vast majority of my patients, before I ever got to treat their specific problem, their problem WAS GONE.
The big surprise I got was that after my patients followed the basic for a few months, they had the nerve to get well. I wasn't ready for this to happen, but regardless, they were healed before I ever got a chance to do any advanced specialized treatment.
For this reason I began to call these programs my Foundational Programs. The vast majority of my patients didn't need to go any further. Also, following the Foundational Programs makes my other entire herbal formula even more effective.
For this sole reason, I cannot over-emphasize the importance for everyone to begin with the programs and formula on the next few pages called my Foundational Programs. If you do, you will probably forget what was wrong with you in the first place.
I REPEAT... Everyone, who came into my clinic, I MEAN EVERYONE, started with the same basic program for the first TWO MONTHS. I may have added some of the specific herbal Formulas; listed in this handbook, but nobody escapes doing ALL of the basics, The Foundational Programs.
This is the way to start your day, EVERYDAY. The adult dosage is 2 rounded to 4 rounded tablespoons per day. If you need extra nutrition, because of an illness, you can take an additional 2 tablespoons in a drink in the afternoon. In the morning, I suggest to take a blender, put in 8
ounces of fresh fruit juice, 8
ounces of purified or distilled water, ½ to 1 cup of fresh organic seasonal fruit and two rounded tablespoons SuperFood. I have started my day for the last 20 years with this morning drink.
If you choose to have another dosage of SuperFood in the afternoon I suggest 8
ounces of carrot juice, 4 ounces of a vegetable combination (beets, greens, etc.) and 4 ounces of purified or distilled water. You can also do the same fruit drink as in the morning. SuperFood can be mixed with either fruit or vegetable juice.
Patient Type #1: The sluggish bowel type. This formula is for 97 % of my patients. The ones who need a help getting their bowel working frequently enough. Follow the directions for Intestinal Corrective Formula #1 on page 15 of this handbook.
Patient type #2: The irritated bowel type. This is only a small percentage of my patients. This is the exception to the rule, those with bowels that work too often, more than 3 bowel movements a day. This includes those that have colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, Chrones disease, etc. If your bowels are irritated, hot or are working too frequently, skip this formula and go to the Intestinal Corrective Formula #2.
Patient type #1: The sluggish bowel type. Continue to use Intestinal Corrective Formula #1 until your bowels are moving 2 to 3 times a day and the consistency is softer. Wait at least one week before adding the Intestinal Formula #2, but you can wait a month if necessary. Once you have achieved 2-3 bowel movements a day, begin the Intestinal Corrective Formula #2. You want to use up the entire 8 ounce jar within one week. That's about 1 heaping teaspoon 5 to 6 times a day. Follow the mixing directions on the can or the directions in the Intestinal Detoxification Program sheet. Repeat this the second month by consuming 1 more 8 ounce jar in a week.
Patient type #2: The irritated bowel type. Since you will not be taking the Intestinal Corrective Formula #1 at any time during this program, unless you get constipated, you can use the Intestinal Corrective Formula #2 on a daily basis, to sooth your bowel and solidify your bowel movements. You can use this formula continuously during the first two months of this program, you can use this formula forever if you wish. You may find that 1 teaspoon a day does the job, you may need three. Experiment to see what dosage is best for you.
Use at least 1 bottle of Echinacea Plus each month for the first two months. Follow the dosages later in this handbook.
The Third Month
Once you have succeeded making these lifestyle changes, stopped the old bad habits, added the new healthy ones and conscientiously taken the herbal formulae for two months, have done the preparatory work necessary to get the most out of your detoxification program and have had a safe thorough cleansing.
Continue to follow the program you have been doing for the last two months. When you feel ready, start my 5 Day Cleansing & Detoxification Program.
I also ask all of my patients to make the following healthy lifestyle changes:
Stop eating all ANIMAL FOODS. Don't eat anything that had a face or came from anything that had a face. Come on, you can do this for 2 months. It will change your life, and save it too.
Stop other bad habits. Like smoking, drinking alcohol, sodas, coffee, black tea, highly refined & processed foods.
Begin eating lots of fresh RAW organic fruits, vegetables, sprouts. Enjoy, Baked Potatoes, Brown Rice Whole grain products. Enjoy yourself, Eat until satisfied, Just keep it Vegan and Healthy.
Exercise more. Come on. Get out and play. And sweat a little more while you are at it.
Get your head together. Start learning how to laugh, love and enjoy life more. Learn more jokes. Love yourself.