Dr. Chris SD,
If I recall correctly you were argumentative and overly-cynical from day one; and it comes as no surprise to me to learn that you are seeking to blame others for your own mistakes and failings.
This is a support forum; should you wish to raise doubts as to the benefits of liver flushing then please do so in the appropriate debate forum.
I would allow you the right to complain and doubt if I knew that you had followed the flushing guidelines to the very letter - this includes diet, spacing the flushes out sufficiently and following the set protocols accurately. Unfortunately, it appears as if you attempted to follow your own "rules" and have suffered the consequences. You can not blame tried-and-tested protocols after you have dabbled and failed; nor can you blame "us" out of sheer frustration.
However severe your health problems (physical and otherwise) I can not imagine them ever being resolved through childish name-calling.
Perfect health requires perfect living; i.e. to exist as closely to Divinity as is humanly possible. Patience and intelligence will serve you far better than intensive, thoughtless, and seemingly militant crusades to purify. You will have already realised this of course, assuming that you have calmed somewhat since your last posts.
Take care,
"...the liver flush is a farce. Now I have some proof and it seems to make sense. My belief is that it is the sudden bowel release and the intake of grapefruit juice which makes you feel better. As for the olive oil that just makes the stones along with the epsom salts. Ask yourselves this, if the liver flush is so great, why does drinking that olive oil make you want to throw up or is certainly not pleasurable or healthy?"
Becoming reasonable:
"I did the flush, I think I passed like 100 small, pea-sized stones, lime green in colour and about 10 medium sized stones, about the size of a peanut,maybe a little bigger. I do feel better but I can't help thinking it might of been the Black Walnut Tincture I added to the mixture, I had some more today and felt even better but this might coincide with passing more stones. Anyhow, it worked and all was good, gonna do another soon, thanks for all the advice."
"I've been feeling really good since doing the flush (look how much calmer I am), I'm still torn over whether it was the Blackwalnut tincture or not and am drinking more of that anyhow."
On mini-flushing:
"The 'mini-flushes' work, I just passed about 50 stones and a load of debris, this has been inbetween eating fairly lightly but nothing too strict at all. The key I think is to have a lie down or go for a walk after drinking it, essentially anything to get your gallbladder going (via deep breathing etc). So do the mini-liver flushes, I was wrong they work and work very well."
"It really isn't that daunting doing the mini-flushes, I found they made me feel good straight away. I did try them with salads (since this was my dressing pretty much anyway) but seemed to find it more effective on its own and followed by a walk or a lie down, for some reason alkaline forming foods such as vegetables or fruit mess up the process for me but if you try it both ways theres no harm done. I found the stones appeared at most a day after I did it but they don't always come, as I say it made me feel good and the odd burst of stones was good too. The best time to do it is definitely when your hungry or first thing in the morning, essentially when you feel 'ready' to."
"The reason why this will never be in schools is that someone, somewhere will/would screw it up and make themselves very ill..."