There are physical hardships and there are psychological ones. Today we see health suffering on a wide scale. Cancer, diabetes, heart problems etc. We see people working in jobs they hate. We see new stresses and pressures that never existed before and they are expanding and taking a toll.
Now here's the take away. Some people thrive in those kinds of conditions and others do not. Some people step up and expand in what others would consider terrible conditions and others fail in even the weakest hardships. There are many, many variables at play and as you are learning it is all an inside job.
Now we cannot forget about Africa and other 3rds world. countries who are also suffering hardships mostly due to corporate greed and economic unfairness. To ignore that is to ignore our fellow man.
Also just because a person may have some modern conveniences does not mean their life is better that people from the past.
But I think it comes down to awareness and one's inner compass in all situations. There were cultures that could thrive in the most dire situations such as the Inuit and there were others who could live in misery no matter how plentiful the resources.
As far as the famines in Ireland and beyond that was due to stupidity/lack of awareness because they didn't believe in diversity of crops. So pestilence was easily able to wipe out potatoes. That had less to do with the "times' and more to do with ignorance and arrogance. There were other cultures during the same time period that were thriving.
BTW thank goodness that where the Irish people emigrated to the people of those lands had better agricultural knowledge. ;-)
See it always comes down to awareness whether we thrive or dive.