There was an interesting recent discussion on the Ask Curezone forum about the drop in search rankings for Curezone. Since the moderator there has a personal agenda against me and will not let me post there I decided to post my thoughts on the issue here.
The claim is that CZ was ranked in the top 10 for alternative health sites a while back, but it now ranked 11,975. Of course there are all sorts of excuses, which include infiltration by pro-mainstream medical supporters. But I think the answer is so much more simple than that. As the thread pointed out number 1 is Mercola. So has Mercola risen while Curezone has dropped. Simple, Mercola backs what he is claiming with scientific evidence and studies. Curezone on the other hand is riddled with pseudoscientific hogwash and unsupported claims. Just look at the Liver Flush Support forum and the Liver Flush Debate forum for great examples. No matter how much evidence is presented that those big green blobs are not real gallstones the pro-flush supporters continue to insist these are real gallstones, and have even posted what appears to be fake lab reports to back their claims. But as I pointed out those green blobs DO NOT have the color, consistency, opacity, density, hardness or any other characteristic of real gallstones, except the occasional sterol-cholesterol complex stone that does share the cholesterol also found in most real gallstones.
The general public is smart enough to figure out real from hype with a little research. And with the internet I think the general public is more eager to search out the facts. It is no longer a task of going to the medical library and wading through a sea of abstracts. Finding and narrowing down the search for valid medical information is readily available at our fingertips. And even though some of this research is conflicting or contradictory, it is still easy to find other research or explanations for the flaws in some research or its interpretation to get a pretty good grasp on the truth. With all this information so readily available but claims still being contradictory what are people seeking the truth going to gravitate to? Yes, towards sites that back their claims with real and solid evidence including research studies. Again this is why Mercola is number one.
And as I have pointed out numerous times in the past, the people here repeatedly posting false, misleading and unsubstantiated claims are doing more to hurt the alternative medicine movement than any pro-mainstream "detractor" could ever do. If a pro-medical "detractor posts here they are looked at like a crackpot or conspiracy theorist. So they really not doing much harm. But have someone here post proven garbage like liver flushing is releasing gallstones the size of quarters or larger even though this is impossible, or acids in the body will turn the body in to a puddle of goo and Curezone starts looking like the home of the crackpots. Claiming proven false information as fact not only on Curezone, but on other alternative websites just makes anyone in alternative medicine look like a gullible fool. As I said before if we ever want alternative medicines to be accepted right along side with mainstream medicine we need to clean up the fallacies being presented by so many alternative medical followers and start presenting more solid evidence to the claims being made. And the old excuse that nobody is going to do studies on alternatives is not going to cut it. Studies have already been done and presented for a number of alternatives from herbs to ozone showing they work. Here are some examples I have posted in the past:
Therefore if people on Curezone really want Curezone's ranking go up they need to stop posting excuses and start posting real evidence to their claims. It is really that simple.
I believe it is also a matter of trust. For the most part, this is the only Forum here I hang at regularly [I swing by several times a day in fact]. Sometimes I visit Tony Isaacs Forum too. Why? Because I TRUST YOU AND HIM! I've read your posts and articles and find them true and trustworthy!
Mercola is a good site, no doubt about it, but some of what he puts up is OPINION and SPECULATION and it is presented as factual.
I agree, there are some things we definitely do not see eye to eye on such as he has presented the same old disproven myths about soy as fact, and I have debunked these myths. But still at least he tries to present evidence to his claims. You ask for evidence here on Curezone and you usually get something like "so and so felt better after doing _______". This is hardly evidence though. First of all feeling better does not mean healed. Morphine will make you feel better if you break your back, but this does not mean the fracture is healed. These claims also fail to take in to account placebo effect. And when people are dealing with serious issues particularly they tend to make multiple lifestyle changes. For instance a person with cancer may start eating better, taking supplements and exercising. If they happen to do a "liver flush" as well what is really making them feel better? Again this is why we have studies to rule out things such as placebo and secondary factors. This is evidence, not my grandmother's uncle's brother did a liver flush and he was suddenly cured of ________. These kind of testimonials mean nothing. If they really want to be taken seriously they should start with providing evidence to their basis. In the case of liver flushing prove that those big green squishy blobs people are passing are real gallstones as is being claimed even though they show no characteristics of real gallstones. When they find out that these are not real gallstones they need to drop that claim and start collecting real evidence to their other claims. For example how does doing these "flushes" cure allergies as they claim?
PLUS, he has a vested business interest as well since he also SELLS PRODUCTS on his site. Many times it is the PERCEPTION of truth that sells the site more than the FACTS themselves.
You will never convince everyone that what you speak is truth ... all you can do is keep 'preaching' the truth you know and those 'with ears to hear' will listen and heed. Don't let the naysayers wear you down, James. You are doing a GOOD THING here and I for one [and I know many others agree] am VERY THANKFUL for all you do!
Thank you very much.
What I have found, and a lot of on CZ, is the dismissal of anything that even involves the word 'science' or 'scientist', and anyone who promotes research, (even simply doing your own research), to verify claims made by alternative practitioners, is branded as a shill, agent etc.
Yes, I agree. And I can see why. If we start showing that many alternatives have been studied and proven then the alternatives with no studies look bogus. And since they cannot justify that their particular claims, such as those for "liver flushing", have no evidence to back them they just reject all studies as bogus so they don't have to justify their own lack of evidence. An all or none attitude.
I think a lot of the problem, is the obsession by some people on CZ, with conspiracies, NWO, TPTB, elites or whatever flavour of conspiracy is currently in vogue. When someone disagrees with this viewpoint, they are branded as a sheople, a shill (we've both copped that one hey Hv), a disinformation agent, (paid or unpaid), to the point that people do not want to post on some forums or are hounded constantly because they do not subscribe to this paranoid view.
Great point. Yes, I have been called a pharmaceutical shill more times than I would like to count even though my posting history shows a completely different story. But it is their way of chasing off anyone posting real evidence.
at this point im sure the theory that you 'flush' out gallstones by liverflushing is bullcrap (after reading your common sense posts on it) but it seems to be the case people are improving from liver flushing, for some reason maybe not yet known. you mentioned liver flushing clearing up stagnant bile and that being the reason people feel better after a flush, but does that explain the buttload of other improvements people seem to experience?
That is what i would like to know. I see no basis for many of the claims, but at the same time we do not have complete stories. Maybe these people are doing more than one thing. Maybe they were constipated and the oil and magnesium cleaned them out. Maybe they were magnesium deficient to begin with. Maybe it is simply placebo effect. Again this is why we need studies.