To relieve your body of fungus or yeast , I would suggest that you have some Irish moss in your life! It is packed with 92 minerals that are vital to the body. For example it has zinc, calicum, magnesim and iodine and iron. When iron is present, the body oxygen levels increases and therefore no dis- ease can live in the body. usually when you have yeast or a fungus growing it is due to a iron deficancy. when you lack minerals, your body 's immune system will become weaker, minerals are important to fight off disease and to help protect your brain and your heart and your bones. Read about the wonders of Irish moss and you will agree it has so many benefits to the body. Irish moss contains iodine , so it helps control your thyroid , so you do not gain weight , it also fight s off candida and yeast. yeast only grow when your inner terrain is out of balance. Irish moss is an alkaline food therefore it is rich in keeping your body stable and in balance, no disease will survive and it has no known side effects be well and get some Irish moss or sea moss as it is also called take care.
When iron is present, the body oxygen levels increases and therefore no dis- ease can live in the body.
Ever hear of hemochromotosis for starters? Excess iron in the body is dangerous. It leads to oxidative damage to the tissues. More on Irish moss including side effects and interactions. Just because something is natural this does not automatically mean it is safe:
Irish moss is a healing food, it balances the inner terrain, it supply the body with what it needs, It is high in minerals and it adds a high level of nutrients to the brain, heart and the bones! I have heard of iron overdose and one should not overtake any food or supplement, smarty pants. one should use supplements and foods in moderation to avoid over eating and pill addiction. google irish moss and you will see the many benefits of this healing food, it has done wonders for my adominal issues. it heals the stomach, of ulcers and menstrual issues. check it out before you go on a rampage and talk your talk about too much iron , get a rattle baby.
Irish moss is a healing food, it balances the inner terrain, it supply the body with what it needs, It is high in minerals and it adds a high level of nutrients to the brain, heart and the bones! I have heard of iron overdose and one should not overtake any food or supplement, smarty pants. one should use supplements and foods in moderation to avoid over eating and pill addiction. google irish moss and you will see the many benefits of this healing food, it has done wonders for my adominal issues. it heals the stomach, of ulcers and menstrual issues. check it out before you go on a rampage and talk your talk about too much iron , get a rattle baby.
I see my points went right over your head. So let me say these again in a slightly different way so that maybe you will understand:
You claimed that if the body has plenty of iron that no disease can exist. Of course this is total garbage. Iron feeds many bacteria and cancer cells for example, and it promotes oxidative damage in the body.
Before that you claimed it alkalinizes the body and no disease can exist in an alkaline body. Again not true. You obviously don't have a clue how the body works.
You also claimed that Irish moss is completely safe, which has also been disproven.
Why don't you research your claims from credible sources before posting your claims? It would make you less foolish looking.
Looking for cheap fungus relief :)
straight off garlic I know of...everything else is expensive and I have been taking garlic for way too long so I am looking for some very effective antifungals to take while I am cleansing heavy metals w/ cilantro/coriander and chlorella.
Kefir. You can make your own and it will get the Candida back under control rather than just killing some of it so it can rebound over and over.
This is why so many people spend years fighting Candida. They just try to kill it instead of addressing the cause of the overgrowth in the first place.
They are all expensive, I have spent $1000's on antifungals and probiotics. I haven't seen anything that is cheap besides garlic. I guess pau d'arco tea...
They are all expensive, I have spent $1000's on antifungals and probiotics. I haven't seen anything that is cheap besides garlic. I guess pau d'arco tea...
You can make your own kefir for next to nothing and fiber to feed the flora is very cheap.
That is an outrageous price for neem leaf. Starwest has it for $14.75/lb and $16.00/lb for the organic:
My sources have always described Starwest as being inferior in quality to Pacific Botanicals or Frontier for example.
I have never got bad herbs from Starwest. Never used Pacific Botanicals and you could not pay me to use either the herbs or the essential oils from Frontier.
I have seen in other posts that you suggest oat bran, rice bran, or FOS as fiber sources. What about those of us who have eperienced an increase in problems with fos/inulin? Would rice bran or oat bran be less appealing to candida?
The only reason FOS/inulin would increase Candida is if is the fructose used to make it synthetically is not completely converted to FOS/inulin. Otherwise the sugar molecules are too large for the Candida to directly feed on. Rice bran and oat bran will not feed Candida either since fibers again are too large of molecules for the Candida to feed on. A big mistake people often make though is to use the enzymes cellulase and hemicellulase for digestion and/or to digest Candida. The problem is that these enzymes merely break down the cellulose and hemicellulose in to simple sugars that the Candida can feed on.
And how important is it to take kefir when fiber will supposedly just increase beneficial flora, and thus acidity, anyway?
I actually prefer the fibers to the kefir for the long run since they will stimulate the growth of all the flora rather than merely replace a few strains like probiotic supplements will do. But products like kefir are great jump starts to get the flora up and consumption of large amounts initially will help get the Candida under control from the acids produced by these beneficial bacteria.
Anyway... There are a lot of people on this forum and the yahoo candidiasis group, including me, that seem to get a worsening of symptoms from taking inulin. These symptoms being all the ones that led me to take it in the first place(bloating, reflux, fatigue, brain fog, thrushy tongue, excema, etc.) I mean, maybe we are all suffering from a bacteria different from candida, but one symptom that I have heard pretty much exclusively linked to candida is the drunken feeling after consuming carbs, which I definitely have. I want to make it clear that I was not taking candex when taking inulin. I have taken both for months, but never during the same times. Inulin just seems to fuel whatever fire is going on down there.
Then it is probably the unconverted fructose in the FOS/inulin. I have heard some sources claim a sweetness with some FOS/inulin products. But there should be no sweetness, which means that there is likely some sugar still present.