There Are No Incurable Diseases
Dr. Richard Schulze's 30-Day Intensive Cleansing and Detoxification Program
by Dr. Richard Schulze (1999)
Chapter 7 (pages 73-74)
The Circulation and Movement Program
A. Massage/Bodywork
Massage the entire body every day with special emphasis on deep foot reflexology and all around the problem areas. Don't be afraid to touch your sore or sick parts. Put some life back into them.
Deep, painful, intense bodywork is O.K.
Crying and screaming is O.K.
All of this is better than the surgeon's knife.
B. Skin Brush
With a dry, natural plant-fiber skin brush, start at your feet and move upward toward your heart. Pay special attention to your affected areas as well as your lymph system in your groin area and under your arms. Don't forget your scalp and face. (Careful with the face.) SCRUB yourself thoroughly every day. Skin brushing stimulates the lymphatic flow. Your lymphatic system is the clear fluid of your body. It's the white blood and it contains pure immune cells. It doesn't have a pump like the heart, so skin brushing is one of the best ways to move that lymph around the body.
C. Exercise
You must exercise everyday. Do whatever you can, but push yourself to move. Increase the amount every day. You must breathe hard and work up a sweat. One hour each day is to be your eventual goal. If you rest, YOU RUST -EVEN ROT!
I don't care if you are paralyzed. I had a patient that was so paralyzed that they couldn't move anything except two fingers on easch hand. So Fine, I had them move and stretch those fingers, with deep breathing, 100 times, 3 times a day. The very next day they could move 4 fingers, and in no time the entire hand and arm. YOU HAVE TO START SOMEWHERE. I had another patient that could hardly move at all, so I had them just deep breathe and imagine moving. In a few days they were physically moving.
Don't let your excuses get in the way. MOVE!
D. Breathing
3-4 times a day do some deep breathing for at least 10 minutes. Deep breathing oxygenates your blood and stimulates your lymphatic and circulation systems.
This chapter has special importance for me. I have experienced the importance and life-saving benefits of "CIRCULATION AND MOVEMENT" Dr. Schulze talks about.
Here is a tiny bit of my story and how a Deep Muscle Technique 'SAVED MY LIFE':
I had been in a car accident at the age of 14. I had serious and very extensive muscle and nerve damage. When I was in my 20's, my father found a newsletter talking about Therese Pfrimmer and the work she was doing in Canada. She had trained a woman that lived in Wisconsin which she highly recommended. I called for an appointiment and traveled to Wisconsin. I was so blown away by the healing power of this therapy that I had to learn it and use it to help others. My chirlpractor was also inspired by my 'healing'. We signed-up and took the course together!
Back in the 70's times were very different and any form of "massage" was looked at very differently. People and healthcare providers often did not understand or believe the benefits of muscle therapy.
Word-of-Mouth and Seeing-is-Believing was the way most therapies such as this one were found. Very sad. Today, massage/bodywork therapies/techniques are a well received, respected and wide spread part of healing.
Many hard battles were fought (and continue to be fought), just as in all natural healing matters, Dr. Christopher, Dr. Schulze and all the great healers have fought countless battles to find ways to pass on their knowledge and experience. I am thankful for all they have done and also grateful to Uny and Rocky for all they are doing here on their Natural Healing forum to share these true healers with so many. AND to help address todays added challenges from our toxic world.
Dr. Schulze updated Dr. Christopher's formulas to make them stronger and/or better in a world different than the one Dr. Christopher lived and practiced in. I know Uny will and IS doing the same...
We live in a different world but one thing that will never change; The HEALING POWER of HUMAN TOUCH.. touch, caress and massage someone you love and care about... it will help heal you both!
For anyone who is reading this. I do not know how this technique is being taught and used today, but the way I received this treatment and was taught in the 70's, was from Pfrimmer's student, Marge Kapsos which she called "the Kapsos System of Deep Muscle Therapy" remains to be the most amazing healing technique I have found to date. What I do know is that massage/bodywork can be of great benefit in healing and maintaining health and is far too often overlooked.
In my personal opinion Therese Pfrimmer was a true healer. She healed herself and then shared her experience and knowledge unselfishly. Her story is a good read and contains much "Food-For-Thought" and inspiration. For me her decision to share what she had learned and teach it to others.. "SAVED MYLIFE".
I have followed Dr. Christopher's teachings and also Dr. Schulze to better understand how to live a healthy life and now there is UNY! I hope I will not be faced with a so called "INCURABLE DISEASE", but if I am, I know where to look for help and support. We are so blessed to have this forum. Thank you Uny and Rocky! You are amazing people.
Therese Pfrimmer's Story: links to a two part newsletter (PDF files).
Hers is a story of a woman who did not believe what a doctor told her and even though she did not have education or training she struggled to find the answer to her health problems and then shared what she discovered, finding a way to help thousands herself and training others to use this technique.
This is what Dr. Christopher and Dr. Schulze did. They shared and taught what they learned working in their clinics working with real people for decades. Water
I just wanted to share a bit of my 'natural healing journey'. I hope a few will find some inspiration from Therese's story!
I am sorry to hear you are suffering for 15 years with neck & shoulder pain. Every second of every day... I know what that means.
When I had money, I would treat myself to a good massage which felt great and was relaxing - but - only gave very short-lived relief. I would say please go harder/deeper in those bad areas but the massage therapists always said no that too deep would just make me sore, etc. But I just didn't believe that and knew that 'for me' I needed more. They are so wrong! Most massage/muscle work never goes deeper than the top layer of muscle... as you say it is relaxing but not therapeutic.
In the meantime, the very deep working of certain points that are sore in the muscles and digging in across the muscles has definitely helped me especially with my neck and shoulders. Hard to do on oneself though:) Wonderful, Keep at it! I know how hard it is to work on yourself, but keep doing what you can... it all helps. One tip I can give you... when working on yourself it can be difficult if not impossible to get a good angle or pressure. Try using a finger or your thumb to apply pressure to a section of tight/hard/sore muscle. Using pressure for a few seconds, continue the pressure while doing little circles, first one way and then reverse. Release the pressure and move to another area. Go back to the first area and repeat... you will find the muscle has softened and may be red (THAT'S BLOOD FLOW) work it again and you will get into another layer of muscle. If I have a hard to reach/massage area giving me trouble, I will do this many times during the day. By nightfall... soft and moving and UNBLOCKED. I find I can reach and massage almost every muscle myself by using this little trick.
I have a couple of things I would like to say about deep muscle therapy:
Dr. Schulze talks about how if there is blockage in the body, you can not fully cleanse, nourish and heal the body. Blockage is a main cause of disease. If the muscles are blocking blood and lymph flow you will not get the full benefits of a liver cleanse or any other cleanse. This is why he said you need to get into the muscles and work deep. He said EVERY DAY you need to do massage/bodywork/foot reflexology. Unfortunately this is easier said than done for many. If your liver is 'clogged' my thought is you NEED to do daily DEEP massage. Get everything moving again.
I was young and healthy 'except' for the damage I received in the accident to my muscles, tendons, nerves (or so I thought). Once the muscles were freed and the fluids could flow once again in my body, I experienced a cleansing and over the next few months my body found a new healthy state. One example: I had a wart on one of my fingers for many years. One day I realized it was GONE.... no sign it have ever been there. CIRCULATION restored! No headaches or restricted movement, no pain anywhere. My bowels worked as they should. I ate a meal and 30 minutes later I pooped! I lost weight. I slept! I had toasty warm feet and hands! I had energy I had not had since before my accident. All this from ONE 3 hour 'massage'!!! YES, there is powerful healing in deep muscle therapy. Before I had this therapy, my muscles were as hard as bone. Afterward they became soft and free moving and plump and healthy... it still amazes me... I got my healing. I have been a believer in natural healing for over 30 years, but am still 'learning' what that means. I never 'got' the importance of 'if it had a face don't eat it' until this last year. Within days of stopping ALL animal foods, I GOT IT. AMAZING the importance of this piece of the puzzle has. Ok, back to the importance of deep muscle work..
Can you get this benefit from trigger point therapy? I do not know the answer. I do not know anything about this therapy. What I believe is that if you do not get into ALL the layers of muscle you will not free/remove the blockage in your body. Now, the question remains, HOW?
Find a friend, family member SOMEONE who will work on you. Barter is what I like to do. (If you will massage me, I will sew you a quilt.) You do not need to be educated/trained in bodywork. Watch the SYL video (where he demonstrates how to massage someone) with the person who is going to work on you. Guide your helper to the areas you feel blocked and have them use the flanges of the fingers, palms, thumbs, whatever they can to work ACROSS your muscles using even pressure right to left, and then left to right. Move on to another area. Once they have worked on all areas, go back and now they can go in deeper to areas originally work on. Organic coconut oil is wonderful for massage oil. You can start with 10-20 minutes a day but your goal is to get a complete full body deep muscle massage that takes 2-3 hours and gets to all layers of the muscle. I will gladly guide you, all you have to do is ASK for HELP!
You have neck and shoulder pain. Of course this is a good place to start, but if the surrounding muscles are not also worked on, the muscles will not be freed and restored to a functioning state. Muscles are like every other system of the body... they are all connected. Don't forget the feet and hands. Massage your head and face too.
Just a couple of other things I thought about. You may already be doing them.
Dr. Schulze is very strong about the benefits of hot and cold showers. Next to the deep muscle work, hot and cold showers are great for unblocking. How about castor oil packs? After a massage.
I agree, dry skin brushing is a must!
I hope some of what I offered/shared helps you to move forward with your muscle work. You sound like you are already headed in a good direction. I will always remember how it felt to live in constant pain. I don't want anyone to suffer the same.
Wishing you a pain-free healthy body. Fifteen years is long enough!
Hi Water,
What a great testimony on deep tissue massage.
I'd like to add that anybody who is doing deep tissue massage would get so much more benefit from it if they were using the Deep Tissue Repair Oil with it. I'm telling you that stuff is amazing and so healing. I would encourage anyone who hasn't tried it to do so, I can't tell you how much it enhances a deep tissue massage.
Thanks Willow!
I have been 'thinking' I should order some of the Deep Tissue Repair Oil... I 'think' it is time to DO IT!
I hope you don't mind but I am adding a link to your TESTIMONIAL on this oil (Great testimonial!):
I don't mind at all ;)
You sure won't be sorry if you order it. Let us know how you like it.
Hi Blueciel,
I found this link:
Hope this has information to help you find a therapist in your area.
Here's a bit more reading for you:
Pfrimmer Deep Muscle Therapy works on a Cross-Muscle Fiber Principle, which causes CORRECTIVE Changes in the Muscle on a Cellular Level. Cross-Tissue Strokes STIMULATE the Lymphatic and Circulatory Systems, which PROMOTE Cellular Repair, while REMOVING the HAZARDOUS Toxins. Pfrimmer Deep Muscle Therapy works for the CORRECTION and PREVENTION of VERY SERIOUS Muscle Conditions, including Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Parkinson's, Cerebral Palsy, Brain Injury and Stroke. It has also been noted to be EFFECTIVE in HELPING to HEAL Arthritis, Fibrosis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Sports Injuries, Work-Related Injuries and Circulatory Problems (the list goes on and on and ..).
Pfrimmer Deep Muscle Therapy HELPS to FREE UP the Nerves in our Body and AIDS in REMOVAL of Toxins and Congestion, that may be LOCKED in DAMAGED Tissues and Muscles. VERY OFTEN after a PDMT Treatment, Edema, Inflammation and Pain are GREATLY REDUCED and Celluar Function is IMPROVED!
Pfrimmer Deep Muscle Therapy has been PROVEN to be an EXCELLENT Massage Technique for the IMPROVEMENT of OVERALL Health. It provides a SAFE, MILD Form of Therapeutic Treatment for those, who have been SERIOUSLY Injured.
If Interested In:
Reading MORE Information on Pfrimmer Deep Muscle Therapy, Then Please CLICK HERE.