Yes, I'm too in the rosacea forum.
I eat good fats, mostly raw milk butter, non hydrogenated palm oil, goose or duck fat, lard,... crude on my meals. I eat vegetables. No carbs, sugars,... only water.
So I'm on ketosis most of the time (burning fats). I don't feel hungry or tired, except after meals but that is like that since I have candida, and it's so much worse if I eat carbs! I just can't stand the carbs, I got so sick when I eat them. so I have to stick with this "paleo" diet (I cook my meats with a steamer).
I made this week the stools test too, by Genova labs. For yeasts/
parasites and overal digestion.
I'll post my results, but my doc is pretty sure I have some pathogens overgrowth, candida, and maybe parasites. My symptoms are clearly those of a yeast overgrowth.
So I use some supplements too, and kefir, that helps tremendously for my IBS.
My weight is stable from 3 months. I am just ok with that. Not too much, not too skinny.
For ACV, it can help you raise your stomach acid, taken diluted in water just before meals. As it is a fermented product, I think it is beneficial for the digestion and to help with yeasts. But I don't use it.
Choose it non pasteurised and from a trusted source. Pasteurisation kills what you need in it.