Hi BrokerGirl,
allergies, not sleeping through the nights, extremely low energy levels, tummy aches, bags under my eyes, heartburn, puffiness, and excess weight.
Can I start with the basics? I know you're wanting to cleanse and go all out, but many people just forget to start with some very simple things.
Tummy aches? Are you drinking any alcoholic beverages that have preservatives in them? Or are you eating, taking, or drinking anything that has preservatives added?
Low energy levels? Are you drinking or eating pasteurized milk products of any kind? Or are you eating too much pasta type of products? Are you getting fresh enzymes from fresh produce? Also, you might have a slight sugar problem.
Heartburn? Well, you might need to take a digestive enzyme for a time. If you take one make sure that it has no fillers or binders added to it.
Allergies? Many different possibilities. Many people don't realize this, but yeast can be a major, major cause of allergies. I also see allergies as a breakdown in your system. If you have any type of break down, one of the very first things you should do is get quality protein down you. Will quality protein cure your allergies? Probably not. But it's like trying to fix a broken down car without a mechanic.
These are just a few ideas until you figure out what type of cleansing that you want to do.
Easy on the juicing. Candida just loves sweet things. It's more what you juice and how you juice that counts. At the same time I would guess that you could definitely use some enzymes that you'll easily get from juicing.