The breast cancer drug Tamoxifen might well be marketed with the slogan, "If it doesn’t kill you, it will cure you"– except that would be an overstatement. The truth is that it probably won’t cure you of anything, but may very well kill you, as yet one more study makes clear. According to that study, just published in Cancer Research no less, long-term use of tamoxifen ups the risk of getting aggressive cancer in the other breast by 440 percent. In spite of this finding, researchers insist that women should keep taking the drug because, they say, the benefits outweigh the risks. Then again, they’re not the ones at risk. Tamoxifen has been used for over 25 years both to treat breast cancer, as well as to prevent it. Most breast cancers spread when exposed to estrogen, and since tamoxifen inhibits estrogen receptivity, it has been the standard treatment, although recently aromatase inhibitors, a new class of drugs, have taken precedence. Tamoxifen also has frequently been prescribed to high-risk women who don’t have breast cancer as a prophylactic measure to stave off tumors. And, it’s been used to treat osteoporosis, bipolar disorder, and prostrate cancer. But problems with tamoxifen have been surfacing for years, and now this study shows the drug causes an even more deadly version of the disease it supposedly cures. The tumors negatively associated with tamoxifen use do not feed on estrogen, no drugs on the market have been effective in treating them, and the prognosis for cancers featuring these tumors is worse than for estrogen-dependent cancers. The study followed 1100 women aged 40-79 who received treatment for estrogen-receptive breast cancer between 1990 and 2005. Those who took tamoxifen were 60 percent less likely to develop estrogen-dependent breast cancer in the other breast compared to those not taking the drug. But those women who took the drug for more than five years, as already mentioned, had a hugely increased risk of developing estrogen-negative tumors. The study did not include women who took the drug long-term to prevent breast cancer in the first place. If it had included that group, the risk most likely would reflect far higher numbers. So, you might conclude, since the drug does seem to provide significant short-term protection, you can safely take it for the recommended five years (that’s the standard regimen) and then stop, thus reaping the benefits and avoiding the risks. Doctors point out that in the study, the overall numbers of women developing the aggressive breast cancers remained small (an interesting double standard as we’ll discuss in a moment). The tumors appeared in only 14 of the 358 women treated for longer than five years. But, two troublesome key points make those arguments look lame. First, tamoxifen causes life-threatening problems other than breast cancers. Also, studies have found that while tamoxifen may prevent estrogen-dependent breast tumors, it does very little, if anything, to prolong life expectancy, at least when used as a cancer preventative. Let’s examine these issues in a little more detail. First, the other health problems associated with tamoxifen include blood clots, strokes, uterine cancer (about double the risk), ovarian cancer, liver cancer, gastrointestinal cancers, and cataracts among them, as well as the usual chemotherapy discomforts — nausea, vomiting, headaches and so on. "Any sort of treatment has risks and benefits, and the benefits for tamoxifen are very clear, particularly with respect to reducing mortality," says lead researcher Christopher Li, MD, of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. But are they? A huge study of 13,000 women by the National Cancer Institute back in the 1990’s found that while tamoxifen did indeed cut "the incidence" of breast cancer by 30-50 percent in the high-risk group of women who took it as a preventative, seven years into the follow-up, women in the no-tamoxifen control group had fewer deaths from breast cancer than those in the tamoxifen group — marginally fewer, but fewer none-the-less. And, as I’ve written before, those statistics touting the huge percentage reductions in new tumors from tamoxifen’s effects do not hold up on closer inspection. About ten years ago, newspapers cited studies proving the efficacy of tamoxifen that consistently read something like "The National Cancer Institute’s Breast Cancer Prevention Trial reported that there was a 49 percent decrease in the incidence of breast cancer in women who took tamoxifen for four to five years." That’s stunning. If your doctor told you that using tamoxifen cut your chances of getting breast cancer by 49%, would there be any question in your mind on whether or not to use it? But if you look past the statistics, the truth is that according to the study, your odds of getting breast cancer without using tamoxifen were only 1.3%. With tamoxifen it dropped to .68%. And yes, that could berepresented as a 49% difference between the two numbers. But the reality is we’re talking about a difference of just 86 women out of 13,388, or just a little over one-half of one-percent (0.64%) in real terms. If you already have breast cancer, it’s your call whether or not to take on the risks tamoxifen brings. On the other hand, if you’re going the mainstream medical route, you may want to consider the fact that aromatase inhibitors beat tamoxifen in terms of survival rates, plus they have far fewer side effects. The only proviso here is that these drugs work only for post-menopausal women, and they cost more than tamoxifen. But if you’re taking tamoxifen as a cancer preventative, you might want to think very carefully about the payoff versus the potential cost. And you might want to view the following statement made by Dr. Li regarding his recent study with a skeptical eye: "Certainly none of the data has suggested that we stop using tamoxifen or change the way we apply it." Keep in mind that there are natural alternatives available that are at least as effective as tamoxifen — alternatives that not only strengthen your body and reduce your vulnerability to cancer and other deadly diseases but that have the added benefit of not triggering even more vicious diseases than those you seek to fend off. In fact, the self same Dr. Li just released the results of another study a few days ago that found that a simple change in diet can drop your risk of breast cancer by 40%. That makes it virtually as effective as tamoxifen, but with only beneficial side effects.Tamoxifen: Killer “Cure”
Knowledge Seeker,
Thank you so much for sharing your experience.
You know, I have had doctors get angry with me for much lesser reasons. Actually, I had a doctor get irate with me when I refused to follow the cancer screening measure of getting a mammogram many years ago. Unfortunately, this type of behavior pressures too many to "follow the guidelines." Yet, the truth is that our health is our responsibility, and we should never risk our health for anyone, not for our doctors, not even to make our families happy.
May I point you to A Natural Anti-Cancer Protocol? This Protocol addresses cancer from its source, a compromised immune system and focuses on cancer killing and immune strengthening supplements.
Oh......... SSRI's. I remember them well. Long story, but I will make it short. I used to suffer from anxiety, panic, and depression at a time when I knew nothing about natural healing. I was told I would need SSRI's for the rest of my life because I had a chemical imbalance (yeah, right) which I bought hook, line, and sinker. Like you, I never really felt well. Although I was not suicidal, I was not living life fully. I merely existed. Well, on being introduced to natural healing quite a few years later, that did the trick. I healed in a short period of time naturally. Of course, it encompassed, Body, Mind, and Spirit. However, these three components are necessary in all healing.
Don't beat yourself up for letting "fear" lead you to radiation. This is very common. And you still used alternative measures that saved you from devastating side effects. Just look forward. Today is a new day.
My very best,
Dear Knowledge Seeker,
Thank goodness that you have chosen to take charge of your own health and not been intimidated by either doctors or loved ones. Both can influence us with undue pressure resulting in misplaced guilt and fear. If only people would realize that it is not worth risking their own health, their very lives, in order to please someone else, even just to get that pressure "off their backs." Bravo for following your convictions and taking the proper steps in your healing. You are reaping the rewards.
With regard to your doctor, there is no reason anyone should have to put up with this type of abuse. Do you think you could look for some type of holistic doctor who would support you and guide you towards natural healing? With regard to Diabetes, maybe this link will help you.
Age spots, or liver spots, are caused by free radical damage to cells. Grapeseed extract is a powerful antioxidant that aids in improving and preventing age spots. I am not familiar with pycnogenol, so maybe someone else can jump in with regard to this.
Body, Mind, and Spirit, is imperative in healing from all conditions. It is very easy to neglect, as too often we solely focus on the physical aspect of our healing. My own emotional healing was very involved and took close to ten years. My own anxiety, panic, and depression was triggered by the sudden death of my husband back in 1981. However, the seeds were planted during childhood. By the way, I don't buy into the term "clinical depression." In my opinion, that is just a label given by the medical profession in order to dispense their "handy dandy" drugs. In most cases, there is always a reason for depression. Sometimes though, the reason has been buried in our subconscious and we have to do some "digging" and introspection to bring it forth. This may take time and work. Talking with your counselor about your problems is beneficial. However, in my opinion, your emotions should also be addressed, maybe finding a lifelong pattern going back to childhood. Many times the seeds for how we react to certain life's situations were planted in childhood and, as with anything else, finding the cause opens the path to true healing.
You made a very important statement with regard to your own healing:
Now I am starting to want to live.
This shows me that emotional healing is taking place and this may also have to do with the constructive steps that you are taking with regard to your physical health.
Getting back to my own healing journey, back then I knew nothing about natural healing, so I went the mainstream way. The first drugs given me were Xanax and Tofanil. The Tofanil was later replaced by SSRI's. Yet, I never bought into the "chemical imbalance" label and just had a gut feeling that emotions were at the bottom of my condition, the primary one being fear. So I went on my own journey finding out the "why's." I will say that at a certain point I realized that therapy was no longer helping me because it was the same old thing. As you say, they just dealt with daily problems, only scratching the problem on the surface. So I took myself on as "my special project" and did lots of studying and research. Most of all, a lot of soul searching and deep introspection, facing the demons in my past, accepting them when there was nothing I could do to change them, and most importantly, forgiving the offenders. The most important thing I had to do was learn how to love myself. Up to that point, I did not love myself. I am not even sure I "liked" myself. Again, this was not an overnight process. It took years. By the time I found natural healing, I had achieved my goal. My self esteem was high, I was emotionally healthy, and I was able to function effortlessly on a day-to-day basis. At one point I had been agoraphobic. On finding natural health, it was time to "clean house" physically. I changed by entire lifestyle, ate a healthy diet and took the proper supplements. I found that where I thought (because I was told) that I would need SSRI's for the rest of my life, this was not the case. Without my doctor's support (yeah, he freaked out), I weaned myself off these drugs and became medication free. I will point out however, that the quest for health never ends. Although we can do our very best to come to terms with our emotional past, sometimes certain traumas or hurts we incur, what I call certain "stains in our souls," cannot be totally washed out. This past year I underwent an emotional event that touched on one of these "stains" and I found myself unable to cope. It seemed that I underwent a relapse of some sorts and not only did my emotional health suffer, but so did my physical health. Badly. To make a long story short, I addressed the problem physically with the proper supplements and where I thought that a new healing journey would be starting emotionally from "square one," thankfully, the event that caused the emotional trauma became resolved. Then my road back to health was able to move on more speedily. I am including this last part because it is important to note, that even though, through hard work, we achieve our goal and we seem to "have arrived" so to speak, if a traumatic situation in life blindsights us touching on one of those unhealed "stains," a relapse can take place and it is very easy to take a few steps back so to speak.
Below I will list the supplements that helped me immensely. These were not all the supplements that I used back when I first started my road through natural healing, but through the years and my own research have been modified. By the way, don't buy into the idea that SSRI's cause permanent damage to the neurotransmitter receptor sites of the brain. The body has marvelous healing capabilities, and Colloidal Gold, which you will read about below, helps to repair those damaged receptors.
l-Theanine L-Tryptothan - Helps you to relax. Colloidal Gold - This is an excellent supplement. It literally preserves the health of the body, mind, and spirit. It helps stabilize any chemical imbalances in the brain and lifts depression. You can get this at They have a first time buyer offer where you get one free bottle for every 8 oz bottle ordered, but you must call to receive this offer. After that, by using their coupon code LR001, you will receive a 15% discount if it is not on sale. Actually, this is good for all of their products. I take this supplement daily. Plant Derived Trace Minerals - Trace minerals are crucial. Many times the cause of anxiety is due to a deficiency in these minerals. They also help to correct any chemical imbalances. Hawthorne Berry Syrup - This will help with a racing heart and will calm panic attacks. Iodine supplementation is crucial. Many times anxiety is due to a deficiency in iodine. I take SSKI and magnascent daily. The best source that I can refer you to is from Trapper at the Iodine Forum. That is where I get my iodine and they will guide you as to its use. Bach's Flower Remedies will help you to relax. Go down the list for the remedies that will help in your particular situation. Also, what helped me immensely was a product by the name of Mind Soothe carried by Did you say you practice EFT? If not, EFT (the emotional freedom technique) will also help. Here is the link: However, when there are layers of emotional issues to go through. I would recommend finding an EFT practitioner. If this is not possible, see if your therapist can guide you along these lines. Maybe you can suggest that she deal with the emotional blockages going on. I am here to help you and give you pointers, if needed. Read the site, download the free manual, and go from there. If you search for EFT on YouTube, you will also find helpful videos there. Well, it looks like I certainly have rambled on. Knowledge Seeker, I hope this is of help to you. And I think this post is way off topic for this forum, so I am going to invite you to email me or contact me personally if you need to. Or you can post on "Ask Tony Isaacs." Please know that I am here for you. I may not relate to diabetes or cancer personally, but I know the suffering and loneliness that depression brings. Serious depression robs one of their very life. A person can become incapacitated, losing one's own personality, and their will to live. Yet, from my own experience, I want to tell you that healing and happiness are totally achievable. I wish you many blessings, Luella