Here is my story of unexpectedly ridding myself of
parasites by taking 15 drops
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement one day last October. I posted this on
parasite forum as well. Anyone who is thinking about taking
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement for
parasites I would highly recommend it, there is hope for you. I forgot to mention below that I also passed tons of red intestinal flukes at the time as well that look like bright little crabs, fist little ones, then later the stronger ones that had been able to hang on longer. I am a city girl and never even knew I could have
parasites or that they could be the cause of my headaches and
Depression among other things. Here is my story, I hope it inspires some of you. . .
FYI Everybody, I was taking a few drops
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement for a few days while semi-fasting/Master-cleansing and I decided to up my MMS to 15 drops one day. I will never forget that day because I stupidly went to a fair that day and had to run to the bathroom numerous times and had to fight not to throw up in the middle of the fair. I was in total misery for 2 days. That said, thank God I took it because you are not going to believe what it did. I didn't think much of the numerous strange BM's I had those two days, but I did look at every one and think, how strange, it is only particles and water, not even bile. I saw 50 white strands (candida) in many BM's, hundreds tomato skins in others, God only knows what else I didn't notice, I also past liver flukes at some point in my cleansing over the last three months and I think it had to do with the ionic foot bath detox but I am not sure, I have also been taking CoQ10, kombucha, Terramin Clay, semi-fasting/mastercleanse, so maybe it was the combo of these and the ionic foot bath that got them out. Now I am taking humaworm as well as of 5 days ago. Fastforward 2/3 months after the MMS and while viewing photos of
parasite BM's on Curezone I realized to my excitement that the strange BM's were montazuma's revenge of tons of parasites. I could taste the oxygen in my mouth and feel it all over my body, it was very powerful. Thank God for MMS. After the two days was over, I "awoke" like the clouds had been lifted of mild depression/malaise, headaches, fatigue, irritability, it was like I could breath again and be part of the world again after suffering for a couple years. Later I had hair regrowth that had been affected by the parasites robbing nutrients and better skin, diminished/eliminated colds/flus. I want to know what I did wrong to get all these parasites, was it my diet, my gardening barefoot, I don't have pets, I helped clean out a disgusting garage full of mice/possum poo and who knows what else. Does everyone have this load of them or was my immune system weaker than others and allowed them to grow more? Do you think that I got all the parasites then even though MMS protocol calls for 15 drops for 2 weeks. Honestly I have no desire to ever go near that stuff again it was so nauseating, but I'm sure I'll work up the strength if I have to even if it is only a few drops, I heard eating two apples immediately following doseage eleviates nausea. I'm doing the humaworm and no side effects for this sensitive person I am happy to report. I am also taking CoQ10, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Kombucha, Vinegar, Terramin Clay, B12, Liver Life, Garlic, and other supplements and noticed the rice in stool recently so things are still coming out I guess. My indianinthemachine detox ionic foot bath plates arrive any day, I already have my battery charger, I can't wait. God Bless!