Hi Chris,
Thank you for those links, I'll read them in a little while, maybe they'll help me.
This is only day 2 for me so to be quite honest I don't know if it's the cigarettes that are making me nauseous or the fact that I'm fasting. It's probably the fasting because it is present even when I don't smoke, it's not bad at all just uncomfortable.
I can tell you that the pleasure I got from smoking isn't the same as when I was eating, you know like after a meal, but then I'm not eating so that might be it. I'm finding that I'm not really craving the cigarettes its more of a mind thing, a habit is what it is.
I am a big promoter of positive thinking and apply that to every area of my life, but I'm not perfect and I am finding a bit of a stumbling block with the smoking. I was more prepared to give up food than I was the cigarettes. I have read that addiction to tobacco is the hardest addiction to break even more so than heroine, I don't know if thats true because I have never done any kind of drugs. I thought it would be easier to quit while I was fasting so its good to know that the desire and taste for them decreases with fasting. I've only had 2 today so far and its 1:00pm here so thats better than I did yesterday.
I'll keep posting my progress with the smoking and fasting.