Yeah, you are probably right - I should instead emulate a loveable humanist like yourself who never has an unkind word to say about individuals or groups.
How many banned IDs has it been since Grog by the way?
Although the some may look beyond the surface and see what you do as a reflection of your own misery and self-loathing.
So you are proud of being a rules violater are you? I guess that anyone who calls Dushan names like Doosh Anne obviously has no respect for this site, it's rules or it's members and moderators. But that is plain for one and all to see in just your posts here in this forum under your latest ID.
The old days you say? Don't make me laugh with such a flimsy attempt to justify your defenseless history of attacks and slurs, Groggo. I wasn't around during the "old days" - no telling how many times you got canned and returned then (and given your behavior here, one might wish for a return for the old days). But Celcius, Celcius2 and 2Sirious were all recent multiple banned IDs.
YOU never made a racist remark? You're killing me! So tell me, do you consider the Jews a race? Or are you going to try to escape that one on a technicality? Would you like to see some of your past references to them? How does disparaging entire groups of people based on their beliefs and opinions differ from disparaging those based on their color? Would you like to see some of the terms you have used here to disparage those you perceive as liberals? Or your gay bashing?
Disparaging others with put-downs, slurs and labels has always been your history, Groggo. At least you used to make some actual contributions to the real purpose of this site in your previous IDs. Now you have just sunk to a sad self-justifying parody.
One can only hope you will soon kill off your current thoroughly soiled ID and return, as you always do, with an ID that is less hateful and actually contributes a thing or two again.
Until you do, further engagement with you is akin to keeping a rabid dog alive on life support.
You should be filled with angst!
Nothing that a weekend of rednech debauchery with my white trash friends won't cure. I'll be sure to toast a few "Salty Dogs" in your honor.
I am soon out of here. Hello fun and sun in the fields and woods and ponds of Texas!
Taken last weekend:
OK, Luella caught the dang fish. I did put the worm on the hook though.
Interesting to see an article I can somewhat agree with from the ego-tripping Darth Nadir, who will forever be remembered as the ultimate self-serving fool tool who helped give us G Dubya Bush.
Yes, I agree that most indications are that the Obama victory was not a banner day for Muslims. However, I would point out the obvious that it would have been political suicide for Obama to have visited Mosques and reach out to Muslims given all the Muslim bashing he took from the right wingers - and isn't it interesting to observe those who bashed him on the subject now turn around and do an about face and call him anti-Muslim.
I would also point out what SHOULD be obvious if people would open their eyes and look outside the Matrix - which is that Obama is going to do exactly what the puppet masters tell him to do. Other than perhaps some members of the Saudi royal family, Muslim membership and sympathies in the PTB is awfully rare.
Having flip flopped yourself you just don't like to see someone be consistent. The only thing consistent about you is your attacks on other CureZone members all the way up to the webmaster himself.
I dare you to find one single post I ever made where I supported Ralph Nader in any way.
To state the obvious about the fact that there are ignorant white trash in this country is not being a racist bigot anymore than it would be to state that there are far too many black pimp and drug dealing gangstas in our inner city - but hey, it gives YOU an opportuntiy to apply more false labels and slurs, so have at it. Those who have watched you soil this forum see through your petty games.
While you are slobbering about in false indignation, how about explaining the flip flops of people like yourself and 58008 from bashing Obama for being a Muslim, warning about Sharia law coming, the destruction of Israel, et al to now accusing him of just the opposite.
Maybe you should sew the letter "H" on your white robe.
Whenever I fall into the trap of trying to have actual debates with the likes of you, 58008 and your erstwhile opposite image Corinthian I do indeed feel less than bright. By doing so I just drag myself down and lend you legitimacy you ill deserve.
Usually though, I am able to turn the dim bulb back on for just enough light to realize that your raison d'etre is to lure people into a never ending mire of personal attacks and slurs focused on the individual instead of the real issues. That appears to be what you really live for - wallowing in the mire and attacking others. If you truly believed in the causes you espouse you would not continually destroy your credibility by being such a hateful and miserable soul.
You just cannot help but come back to create another hog wallow so you can sling your slime on other people, can you? Coming back and all the while disparaging the other members, the moderators and the webmaster himself. Do you happen to remember some of the things you had to say about him? Or about some of the moderators? I saved them in case you need your memory refreshed. In the end, you do that to everyone, just as the long time members and moderators warned me when your first pretended friendship (58008 be forewarned - he will ultimately turn on you too).
You accuse me of hypocrisy and, though I believe I have stayed true to my beliefs and values, I will have to admit that in one thing I have been a hypocrite - much to my regret. And that was when I defended you for the same slurs, personal attacks and multiple-ID rules breakers when I was calling out other newly created IDs for doing the same thing - and when I even went so far as to support you when you were banned.
Thanks for the lesson. It won't happen again.
Would you like to see a copy of YOUR email to me complaining about being banned from the Political Forum? Or copies of your emails lamenting the fact that Corinthian should be banned? How about the ones where you called Dushan "Doosh Anne"? Or the kind words you had for Rudenski and other moderators? The one about the "Jew World Order"?
I really don't think you want to go there, Groggo. My advice is that the next time you decide to stab someone in the back for taking a position you disagree with you first consider just how much of your true self you have revealed to them under the guise of friendship.
You keep trying to beat the false drum of bigotry and racist trap and other such claptrap. Let's look at what really happened.
First of all, 58008 made a post that included such statements as:
Black fathers are known for spewing their sperm all over the place
Blacks are bred to be victims and to use that as an excuse to jack off and fail. That's their karma! Deal with it and stop the whining. They want a socialist so they can complain and get their welfare check at the same time.
And then another poster replied
I'm sure he's speaking for a lot of white people in here.
To which I responded with a message that began
"In my opinion he is speaking mainly for ignorant assed white trash . . ."
The fact is that what 58008 said and how he said it was offensive and racist and it is indeed representative of what ignorant white trash say about blacks. What I had to say was not bigotry or race baiting, it was just an indignant statement of fact. Something which even you would likely admit if you had a shred of decency left instead of your present blighted ID - but you are never one to let truth or correctness get in the way of an opportunity to make a personal attack on someone who disagrees with you.
By mischaracterizing my response as a some kind of revelation of bigotry, it is YOU who demonstrates yourself to be the bigot and race baiter.
Nope, not going to let you provoke me into doing that - though I must admit that you do a wonderful job of pulling my strings and pushing my buttons at times, and it is mostly my own damned fault for letting it happen. Just consider it a reminder that you and I both know your true colors, which really are not all bad - but they do demonstrate that we both know how false your attacks on me and other members are.
Sadly for you, my erstwhile friend, I think you actually do take it all very seriously. 2sirius-ly one might say. I rather suspect that the weekend will still find you here dispensing the usual words of wisdom and brotherhood. Maybe you could take a break and look up all my posts here in this forum and find me one single example of me selling or promoting anything I sell?
As for myself, I do have a life outside CZ - which is why this weekend will find me on the pool banking catching another mess of catfish to fry, riding 4 wheelers, plinking away at the pond turtles (yep, I am cruel to animals too - at least ones that get in my pond and compete for food with my fish), drink more than a few cold ones, sit beside the campfire and howl at the moon with the coyotes, enjoy the changing fall colors, and get quite the kick out of solving the world's problems with the local rednecks.
I will take time off from frolicing in the fields and woods to go see my friend Paula Nelson (you know, Willie's daughter) play in the nearyby city of Greenville, Texas at the Lee Street Bar and Grill. I think that she could do a really good job with one of the songs I wrote.
Greenville is where I grew up, btw. You would probably love it, seeing as how they had a sign hanging across the main entrance into town for many years which read "Welcome to Greenville - the blackest land, the whitest people". They have a lot of hog hunters in these parts too. My thoughts will run more to deer season. More of them in Texas than any other state by far - and the season runs from the first of November til the first weekend in January. Want some venison?
Have a good one. It might just do you a world of good to get out in the woods and fields too.
My messiah? Yeah, you really do need a break. Come on over to east Texas and I'll show you how to chill.
Just your typical group of Black Messiah worshippers.