So you think that fasting has started ED's?
Eating disorders are more commonly known as Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia Nervosa and where their origins are linked with psychology/psychiatry & emotional disturbances/illnesses.
Fasting per-se is not the cause of anything.
Shelton described fasting as the "let it alone plan".
For your information..............
Bulimia Nervosa is related to deep psychological issues and feelings of lack of control. Sufferers often use the destructive eating pattern to feel in control over their lives. They may hide or hoard food and overeat when stressed or upset. They may feel a loss of control during a binge, and consume great quantities of food (over 20,000 calories). After a length of time, the sufferer of bulimia will find that they no longer have control over their binging and purging. The binging becomes an addiction that seems impossible to break. Recovery is very hard, and often, in the early stages of recovery, the patient will gain weight as they rehydrate and obtain electrolytes that they have lost during the purging process. There are higher rates of eating disorders in groups involved in activities that emphasize thinness and body type, such as gymnastics, modeling, dance, cheerleading, running, acting, rowing(lightweights/coxwains) and figure skating. Bulimia is more prevalent among Caucasians. In one study, diagnosis of bulimia was correlated with high testosterone and low estrogen levels, and normalizing these levels with combined oral contraceptive pills reduced cravings for fat and sugar.
This link should help to clarify the above..............§ionId=5
With regard to Anorexia Nervosa..............
"Anorexia Nervosa is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes an eating disorder, characterized by low body weight and body image distortion, with an obsessive fear of gaining weight. Individuals with anorexia are known to control body weight commonly through the means of voluntary starvation, purging, vomiting, excessive exercise or other weight control measures, such as diet pills or diuretic drugs. While the condition primarily affects adolescent females, approximately 10% of people with the diagnosis are male. Anorexia nervosa, involving neurobiological, psychological, and sociological components, is a complex condition that can lead to death in severe cases.
The term anorexia is of Greek origin: a (α, prefix of negation), n (ν, link between two vowels) and orexis (ορεξις, appetite), thus meaning a lack of desire to eat.
"Anorexia nervosa" is frequently shortened to "anorexia" in the popular media. This is technically incorrect, as the term "anorexia" used separately refers to the medical symptom of reduced appetite (which therefore is distinguishable from anorexia nervosa in being non-psychiatric)".
The above is not just an academic perspective on the symptoms and causes of both A.N & B.N but a hands on experience by those professionals who come into contact with these disorders first hand.
Before making statements that are not true, I suggest that you verify what you are referring to as the causes of Anorexia and Bulimia and similar ED's, as Fasting is only a by-product and practice of those with these disorders and most definitely not the cause of them.
These are the facts my friend.