I am a 32 yr old woman from Australia and I have been overweight since my teens. I have yoyoed over the years and am currently 113.4kg. The weight I could cope with but it's the ill health that has me asking for help.
I have seen naturapaths over the years for my weight loss and they have all said that I have an overgrowth of yeast and an underactive thyroid.
I didn't realise how serious the yeast was until I was looking into natural alternatives to thyroid medication as I felt that this is where I was heading. Anyway my research kept pointing to candida, so I joined curezone and began reading.
I believe that candida is a major health concern with me, as well as a clogged liver and a really badly functioning digestive system.
I currently have the flu and I believe that this is my body saying "no more".
I have dandruff and
Psoriasis that wont go away, pimples and spots on my arms and legs, fibrocystic breasts, poor digestion, poor hearing and eyesight, blotchy skin and adult onset asthma just to name a few. These have all gotten worse with each pregnancy (8 pregnancies resulting in 5 live births and 3 miscarriages) and weight gain and I know that if I don't do something soon I will end up hospitalised with a chronic illness and medicated for life. I am pre diabetic and was borderline diabetic for my last pregnancy (baby is 16 months)
I have no energy, I am impatient and always cranky. I do not want to be like this and I dont want my family to suffer along with me because I'm like this. I want to run and play with my children and enjoy life instead of dreading it.
I don't know what to do or how to do it. I've done 1
Liver Flush and
Iodine supplementation and I am happy to try whatever you recommend. We are heading into spring and fruit and veg are plentiful. I had considered a juice fast to begin with but I just don't know.
Please help me find the true me.