Just wanted to share my experience with having a series of colonics after going through a successful candida clean-up; it really seems to help! I've heard that if you don't do a colonic after cleansing the dead parasite carcasses just stay in your colon and continue to release toxins. I don't know if that is true, but I do know that the colonic irrigation really helped to clear up some of my lingering candida symptoms (fluid retention, moodiness, yellow spots in eyes, white and sore tongue). I also lost 8 pounds. (I know, it's gross to think there was 8 pounds of impacted fecal matter in me). It's an expensive option, though-about $40-50 per session, and 12 is suggested.
Good luck to everyone...fighting candida is very tough (I haven't had a piece of fruit in months) but well worth it.