You always have good information Telman, thanks. There's alot more people that have celiac than have a clue- and like yourself, MD's aren't likely to want to test for it. The only reason I found mine through the biopsy/endoscopy (confirmed in a blood test) was because of the gallbladder malfunctioning and they happened to be doing different diagnostic tests. I would never have known otherwise. And it does run in families- I have a brother that has been on potent "blood disorder" medicine for years that is known to cause liver damage-- FOR Dermititis Herpetiformis-- CELIAC. I know he was told that, but no, he won't give up the gluten, not only in the food, but in the beer...and yes, he knows he has liver damage. It is far from easy to cut out gluten, and try to be aware of the hidden gluten- like you said. Eating out, or traveling is extremely hard.
It could very well be a reason for
liver stones continuing to form, especially if people are unaware of the
food intolerances and continue to eat problem foods. I don't know how accurate they are, but I saw where you can get home test kits for testing gluten sensitivity. If your Dr won't test you for it, maybe you could try that.
I don't know where this information exactly came from--or who put the descriiption on the Celiac forum concerning stone formation and celiac..but it was what first gave me an "aha" moment...I'd never made that connection made sense. I was very, very diligent about the gluten for well over a year and 1/2, but have to admit I got lax a few times in the last few months when I knew I was eating something I shouldn't be. That, and eating other foods that I didn't know were also "
food sensitivity /intolerance" foods, it is very noticable in my gut. I've just started a few supplements that others have told me about that are an experiment for me...NAG N-acetyl glucosamine; L-taurine, glutamine, and NAC- N-acetyl cysteine for glutathione.
About Celiac Disease
"Celiac disease (also called coeliac, nontropical sprue, celiac sprue, gluten intolerant enteropathy, or gluten sensitive enteropathy) is a condition in which there is a chronic reaction to certain protein chains, commonly referred to as glutens, found in some cereal grains (wheat, spelt, rai,...). This reaction causes destruction of the villi in the small intestine, with resulting malabsorption of nutrients. Individuals range from having no symptoms (asymptomatic or "latent" forms of the disease) to extreme cases where patients present to their physicians with gas, bloating, diarrhea, and weight loss due to malabsorption."
"Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) is a severely itchy skin condition that often starts abruptly, affecting the elbows, knees, buttocks, scalp, and back. It usually starts as little bumps that can become tiny blisters and then are usually scratched off. DH can occur in only one spot, but more often appears in several areas.
The condition is related to IgA deposits under the skin. These occur as a result of ingesting gluten. These deposits take a long time to clear up, even when the patient is on a gluten-free diet."
There are many people who cured Celiac disease by cleansing liver & gallbladder.
That is understandable, when we know that the liver gets "first pickings" of everything absorbed in the small intestine, which is where virtually all nutrients are absorbed, including glutens.
If you've got celiac disease, you have liver and gall bladder malfunction due to numerous intrahepatic stones and/or gallstones.
Celiac disease is caused by primary
liver stones (intrahepatic stones).
In most people with
Gallstones problem, intrahepatic stones were first.
If you have gallstones, you have
liver stones . Always. Proved by cleansing.
I have never heard of a person who only have gallstones, and no liver stones.
Every single person who did liver cleanse (after gallbladder removal) have got liver stones out (after liver was decongested).
Usually thousands of stones.
So, there is direct link between intrahepatic stones, celiac disease and gallstones, not necessarily casual link.
Intrahepatic stones are usually the first to start forming, or in the same time as
Gallstones are forming.
Intrahepatic stones block liver function and intestinal function.
Intrahepatic stones cause allergies and celiac disease.
Intrahepatic stones may be sucked into gallbladder, while naturally passing by, through main bile duct (after a fatty meal), and may be joining stones that are already there - genuine gallstones, or may be the first stones to be inside gallbladder.
As most scientist are not aware of how common are liver stones, but they are aware of the statistical link between incidence of
Gallstones and incidence celiac disease, they may be attempting to make an explanation of a casual relationship between those two diseases, while missing a very important part of a whole equation. Almost 50% of a whole equation is missing! Poor science!
Liver Anatomy: The Hepatic Vascular System
The circulatory system of the liver is unlike that seen in any other organ. Of great importance is the fact that a majority of the liver's blood supply is venous blood! The pattern of blood flow in the liver can be summarized as follows:
Roughly 75% of the blood entering the liver is venous blood from the portal vein.
Importantly, all of the venous blood returning from the small intestine, stomach, pancreas and spleen converges into the portal vein.
One consequence of this is that the liver gets "first pickings" of everything absorbed in the small intestine, which, as we will see, is where virtually all nutrients are absorbed.
The remaining 25% of the blood supply to the liver is arterial blood from the hepatic artery.