I read the story about Primal Defense posted on your website. Like you, I had an intolerance to Primal Defense, but for different reasons. I have a severe case of dysbiosis caused from taking too many
Antibiotics . I had to be treated for chronic bladder infections, and then
parasites after taking a trip to Mexico. I've had a chronically low pH for 3 years. Despite a strict diet, and taking a
quart of
Celery juice, 16
oz. of carrot juice, 2 Tablespoons Spirulina, and lots of magnesium and potassium every day pH still remains at 6.0. Because of the low pH I get leg aches at night, and find that I can not stay on my feet all day, or do the kind of hard manual labor that I was accustomed to in the past. I also have been diagnosed with blasto hominis - a protozoal parasite, but I don't want to treat it with drugs, because it requires taking a combination of 3 very powerful drugs at the same time, which will make my candida and other problems worse. Also I figure, I was quite ill before getting the Blasto, and that just getting rid of it will not necessarily "cure" me. Because of the blasto and probably other unfriendly bacteria living in my gut I have gas, bloating, and moderate intestinal cramps. I, of course, realized that my problems were caused from a lack of friendly flora, so I tried taking primal defense once when coming off of
Antibiotics at a dose of 6 scoops per day. Much to my dismay, my pH went down even further within 6 days, I literally could hardly get off the couch, so I had to discontinue its use. In the course of my illness, I tried taking kefir, and yogurt with exactly the same results. I had read in one of my intestinal cleansing books that the author knew 2 people personally, who ended up in the hospital with metabolic acidosis after taking large amounts of acidophilus when coming off of an intestintal cleanse. I got on the internet and spent several hours doing research. There were 2 different medical research articles posted about what they call "D-lactate acidosis". Apparently this has been diagnosed rarely in people who have taken large amounts of acidophilus when coming off
Antibiotics , and more commonly in bowel resectioned patients. There are certain organisms in acidophilus supplements which produce a substance called "d-lactate" which is an acid that is difficult for the body to neutralize if it is produced in large amounts. Lactobacillus Acidophilus is one of the worst culprits (also the most commonly used in probiotic supplements). These bacteria thrive off of carbohydrates. The bowel-resectioned patients literally have no digestion, so when they eat a high calorie meal (commonly given to them to help them gain wait) the lactobaccilli that have overgrown there intestines feed on the undigested carbohydrates causing them to produce lots of d-lactate acid. It seems that the more d-lactate acid is produced, the more competing organisms are killed off, because they cannot live in such an acid environment, thus making a vicious cycle. There have been many cases were these patients went into metabolic acidosis after one meal. I theorize that the reason I cannot tolerate these supplements, is that I have 21 feet of small intestines overloaded with unfriendly bacteria (because of poor digestion and parasitic infection) that produce acid by products, thus causing my low pH. When I take the Acidophilus, the d-lactate producing organisms combine with the pathogenic bacteria already present to produce even more acids. I know this problem is extremely rare, and that most people, even the chronically ill, have no problem tolerating these organisms. I am currently taking "baby's jarrodophilus" which only has organisms that produce l-lactic acid. The l-lactic acid is much easier for the body to dispose of. I use it to make yogurt with, and I seem to be tolerating it just fine. I would like to take the soil based organisms in conjunction with this. I found a product called SBX, which contains only the soil based organisms with no acidophilus. The problem is that it is very expensive. I would like to try EM, but I have read that it contains lactic acid producing bacteria. I am afraid it might contain d-lactate producing organisms. Is there any way to find out if it does?